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Mind: We shall find by
examining the symptoms of this remedy that the intellectual feature predominates, as in the
metal; that the affections are disturbed only in a limited way. There is a predominance of
mental symptoms.
First of all, disturbance in the memory, disturbance of reason, he
becomes most irrational in his explanations of his actions.
He is irrational and does strange things and comes to strange
conclusions; foolish things.
He has all sorts of imaginations, illusions, hallucinations. He is
tormented in his mind by the inflowing of troublesome thoughts, and especially at night his
thoughts torment him. to the extent that he is extremely anxious and this puts him in a
hurry and in a fidget and he goes out and walks and walks, and the faster he walks the
faster he thinks he must walk, and he walks till fatigued.
Strange notions and ideas and fears come into his mind. He has an impulse
that lie is going to have a fit or that he is going to have a sickness.
A strange thought comes into his mind that if be goes past a certain
corner of the street he will create a sensation, will fall down and have a fit, and to avoid
that he will go around the block.
He avoids going past that corner for fear he will do something strange,
He is so reduced in his mental state that he admits into the mind all sorts of impulses.
There is inflowing of strange thoughts into his mind, and when crossing a
bridge or high place the thought that he might kill himself, or perhaps he might jump off,
or what if he should jump off, and sometimes the actual impulse comes to jump off the bridge
into the water.
When looking out of a window the thought comes to his mind what an awful
thing it would be to jump out of the window, and sometimes the impulse comes to actually
jump out of the window.
There is fear of death, the over-anxious state, that death is near, and
often at times like Aconite he predicts the moment he is going to die.
Looking forward to times he is anxious. When looking forward to some
thing that he is about to do, or in the expectation of things, he is anxious.
When about to meet an engagement he is anxious until the time comes.
If he is about to take a railroad journey he is anxious, full of fear and
anxiety and tremulous nervousness until he is on the car going and then it passes away. If
he is about to meet a certain person on the street corner he is anxious and breaks out often
in a sweat from anxiety until it is over with.
Not only is this particular symptom present, but the symptoms come on as
a result of his anxiety.
He is excitable, angers easily, and as a result of this pain comes. When
he becomes angry he becomes vehement and pain in the head comes on; cough, pain in the chest
and weakness follow this anger
The anxiety he has from these circumstances will bring on complaints.
When he is going anywhere, going to a wedding or to the opera, or any
unusual event it is attended with anxiety, fear and diarrhea.
So it is we have in this a wonderful medicine. It says in the text that
he gave all sorts of queer reasons for his strange conduct, endeavoring to cover up, as it
were, his foolishness which he himself realizes.
Sadness, melancholy and confusion. Defective memory. The sight of high
houses makes him dizzy, and his vertigo is increased or comes on from closing the eyes; with
the vertigo there is buzzing in the ears, great weakness and trembling.
Constitutional headaches from brain fag, from exertion of the mind. In
such mental exhaustion, headaches, nervous excitement and trembling, and organic troubles of
the heart and liver in business men, in students, in brain workers, in those subject to long
excitement; - in actors who have kept up a long time the excitement of appearing well in
This state of mind progress until there is a general state of weakness;
with trembling, paralysis, numbness, disturbed functions, palpitation, throbbing all over
the body, with the mental state.
The nervous state continues until there is disorder of all the organs of
the body. The stomach refuses to digest, everything taken, seems to go into gas, and he
becomes distended and suffers with pain.
The circulation seems to be greatly disturbed in addition to the
palpitation. Fullness of the blood vessels and throbbing all over the body. The blood
vessels become diseased.
Atheromatous degeneration and dilatation of the veins, varicose veins.
Upon the mucous membranes and skin ulceration, and this progresses and
the heart becomes increasingly feeble, and the extremities become cold and blue and the lips
are cold and blue, with aggravation of all these complaints from mental excitement, from
going to the opera, from meeting a friend, from keeping an engagement.
The medicine is preeminently a nervous one, full of spinal symptoms,
rending, tearing pains down the extremities; such pains are found in locomotor ataxia
fulgurating shooting pains.
There is one grand feature running through this patient modifying most of
his symptoms, with few exceptions, and that is that he is like a Pulsatilla
patient; he wants cold air, cold drinks, cold things; wants ice, ice cream; wants the head
in the cold air; suffocates in a warm room.
He suffocates from warm clothing, wants the door and windows open; cannot
breathe in a stuffy room, suffocates if other people are in the room; cannot go to church or
to the opera, cannot go to places of amusement or gatherings, must stay at home.
He dreads a crowd, dreads certain places.
Everywhere we find ulceration, but particularly upon the mucous membrane. The throat has
ulcers in it, the eyelids, and of the cornea; ulceration of the bladder.
Ulcers of the uterus, of the vagina and of the external soft parts. This
tendency of ulcerate seems rather strange, peculiar that it should have in its pathogenesis
such a tendency, when the old school has been using it to cauterize ulcers, and yet it heals
them up.
We know that Phosphorus will burn and it intensifies the tendency to ulcerate, makes the
ulcer go deeper, while Argentum nitricum sets it healing.
Upon mucous membranes we find red elevations, granulations, enlargement
of vessels, purplish aspect. Sensitive ulcers.
Female: The complaints
in women come on before and
during the menstrual period. It is a
favorable time for all her complaints to be aggravated; if she have Argentum nitricum
symptoms they are likely to be at their worst at this time.
She suffers from most violent dysmenorrhoea, from nervous excitement,
from hysterical manifestations, and an unusually increased flow.
A tendency to hemorrhages it belongs to this remedy.
The ulcers bleed; there is bleeding from the nose, bleeding from the
chest, the urine is bloody; leucorrhoea copious, menstrual flow copious; menorrhagia;
bleeding from the mucous membranes generally, from the uterus. Vomiting of blood. It has
cured prolonged and most inveterate ulceration of the stomach, when there has been vomiting
of blood.
The aggravation at the menstrual period is a strong feature and she is
free from symptoms during the interim.
The palpitation, the trembling, the coldness of the surface, though
desiring cold open air, blueness of the lips, coldness of the extremities, blueness and
coldness of the lower extremities to the knees and of the hands and arms to the elbows, and
yet the patient wants cool things, wants something cold.
This may not be seen at any other time. Here is striking feature:
"Patient cannot lie on the right -side because it brings on so much
We have plenty of remedies with palpitation worse lying on the right side
are rare (Alumen, Badiaga, Kalmia,
Kali n., Lil. t., Platina, Spongia).
It is uncommon, strange, rare and peculiar.
It is such a strong feature in this remedy that to a great extent it
becomes quite general, because it is a heart symptom and is intermingled with the general symptoms.
With this sensitiveness he is compelled to get into some other position;
must get up and walk, because of lying on the right side.
The patient will say he throbs from head to foot while lying on the right
side. Do not forget in this medicine all these general things when we come to apply them in
their particulars and the particulars in the generals.
Do not forget that this medicine is one of the most flatulent medicines in the
books. He is distended to bursting; gets scarcely any relief from passing flatus or
He is possessed with the distressing idea that all his undertakings must
fail. When walking he becomes faint with anxiety which makes him walk faster. Everywhere you
will find the intellectual symptoms predominant.
Headache: The
headaches are of a congestive character; considerable throbbing, ameliorated by cold, and
tight bandaging. Headache from mental exertion from excitement, with vertigo, nausea and
Pains in the right side of the head, jagging, cutting, stitching
pulsating. Head feels much enlarged.
Eyes: The eye symptoms
are too numerous to mention. They are of a general character such as we find in catarrhal
conditions with ulceration, relieved by cold.
All of the eye symptoms are worse in a warm room, worse from sitting by
the fire. Wants cold applications, cold washing. Intense photophobia; aversion to light, and
this is worse in a warm room; wants it cold, wants it dark.
There is much swelling and tumefaction of the blood vessels of the eye,
and redness, and it has a raw denuded excoriated appearance.
"Chemosis with strangulated vessels."
"Cornea opaque."
"Ulceration of cornea in new-born infants; profuse purulent
discharge from the lids,"
and this is what the "Regulars" in former
days and almost tip to date have been using for the eyes, treating them with Argentum nitricum.
Photophobia: after
long looking at fine sewing, fine print. In one who has suddenly taken on far sightedness,
it has come on as a congestive condition; not of old age but something that should be cured.
All at once he cannot see print at the usual distance but must hold it
away off; if it occurs in some one twenty-five years of age or in a child.
At close distance it is indistinguishable. Such a disturbance of
accommodation producing far sightedness it has caused and cured.
"Oedema of lids," etc.
Oedema is a word which runs through the remedy. That is to say, it has a
dropsical state wherever dropsy may occur.
Face: The face is the
next place we find particulars worthy of note.
"Face: Sweat stood in drops on his face."
"Face sunken, pale, bluish."
"Looks prematurely old."
"Face blue, heavy breathing, pulseless."
Throat: Then come the
throat symptoms. Another feature of this remedy is its general tendency to produce warts.
There is a tendency to favor the growth of warts and in the throat there
are little wart-like growths polypoid growths in the throat and about the genitals and anus;
hence its great use in sycotic constitutions.
It has all the discharge necessary to its use in the sycotic
Felt as if he had a stick in the throat when swallowing. At once you will
see its close relation to Hepar. In inflammatory conditions of the throat with
In Argentum nitricum he wants to be in a cold room, wants cold air, and to
swallow cold things. In Hepar he wants warm things to drink, warm clothing, warm
room, and cannot put even his hand out of bed or his throat will begin paining him.
Things, you see, just exactly opposite, but they both have "sticks" in the throat. In dry chronic catarrh Alumina and Natrum muriaticum have "sticks" in the
throat; but in red throat with tumefaction and pain these two remedies give no relief, the
former two are better. "Sticks" in the throat like fish-bones.
Nitric acid, Hepar, and Argentum nitricum,
are the most striking remedies for the fish-bone sensation. Many remedies have sticking in
the throat, but these are the most prominent.
We know how Argentum
nitricum has been used for ulceration in
the throat, and here it comes in as one of the most useful remedies in congestion of the
throat of long standing. Catarrhs with loss of voice. Warty growths, condylomata, etc.
Loss of voice, tumefaction of the mucous membrane round about the vocal
cords and paresis of the vocal cords. Condylomata on the vocal cords.
"Loss of appetite" and refuses drink.
Digestion: This is
another feature. He feels that he must have it and it makes him sick; brings on eructations,
increased flatulence, sour stomach.
He cannot digest it; it acts like a physic and brings on a diarrhea. So
marked is the aggravation from sugar that the nursing infant will get a green diarrhea if
the mother eats candy.
Then is it astonishing that the baby can get a dynamized dose from the
mother, when the dynamized dose can travel like lightning, and sugar takes all day to be
digested and dynamized and fed as poison to the baby? I remember a case that I figured and
figured on.
The baby had Mercurial stools, sure enough, they were grass green. Well Chamomilla has grass green
stools and Arsenicum and Mercurius and lots of remedies have grass green stools.
Routinist that I was in those days I could not get anything but Mercurius out of it, and although the baby had gotten Merc., Ars. and
Cham. There was no relief,
until I found that the mother had been eating candy.
When she was asked if she ate sweet things, sugar, etc., she said,
"Oh, no."
"Why, yes, you do," said the husband;
"I bring you home a pound of candy every day.
What do you do with it?"
"Oh, that was nothing," she replied.
But the baby did not get well until it got Argentum nitricum
and the mother stopped eating sugar.
"Irresistible desire for sugar."
Quite a number of medicines have craving for sweets, but many of them can
eat sweets with impunity. It is always a peculiar thing when one of the articles of diet,
such as milk, sugar, salt, starch, etc., and the things of the table make sick.
When it is said that "I cannot eat a teaspoonful of anything with starch, egg or sugar in it
without being sick," it is always
strange and peculiar, because it is not something that comes in only as a craving and
affecting the stomach, but it affects the whole patient.
The patient says:
"I become sick" and hence it becomes a general.
When the patient gets a diarrhea from eating sugar it is not merely a
local and particular symptom, because the whole patient is sick before the diarrhea begins;
the diarrhea is the outcome. Hence as it is a general it i necessary that it should be
examined into.
"The vomited substances tinge the bedding black".
Incessant vomiting of food. He sometimes spits up food by the mouthful
until the stomach is empty. Eructations of air accompanied by a mouthful of undigested food,
like Phosphorus and Ferrum. Spitting it up; welling up in mouthfuls
"Eructations relieve ".
"Flatulence passes upwards, in quantities."
Frequent eructations. Eructations do not always relieve. It is more like China in its eructation.
The eructations of Carbo
veg. relieve for some time and he feels better. This is the way with Carbo veg.; he is distended
almost to bursting and he cannot get up any wind, but finally after much pain and distension
it wells up in empty eructations and then he gets relief.
With China he is distended, and every
little while getting up gas, but with no relief. It does not seem to help, and sometimes
patients will say they seem to get worse after it.
So it is with Argentum
nitricum at times. It evidently has both.
"Most gastric ailments arc accompanied by belching."
"Belching difficult; finally air rushes out with great
"Nausea after every meal; nausea with troublesome efforts to
I have seen these Argentum
nitricum patients vomiting and purging in
the same moment, not vomiting one second and purging the next, but gushing out both ways
with great exhaustion like cholera morbus, so relaxed, prostrated and weak.
"Vomit; streaked brown, flocculent, like coffee grounds."
The stomach, liver and abdomen are full of pain. The abdomen distended
with all this troublesome flatulence. Inflammation of the stomach, ulceration of the
stomach, most troublesome diarrhea. Diarrhea with copious flatus. Stool with copious flatus
in nursing children, with tormina and viscous sanguinolent stools and tenesmus.
"Diarrhea of children after weaning."
Another feature in connection with the diarrhea and dysentery is that
casts are passed with the stool, like diphtheritic membrane or deposit; casts like the
rectum, strings of membrane, come with the stool. Stools of green, foetid mucus with noisy
flatus at night.
"Urine passed unconsciously and uninterruptedly."
"Urging to urinate; the urine passes less easily and freely."
"Bleeding of the urethra; painful erections; gonorrhoea."
It has most painful gonorrhoea with painful erections in the male. In the
female the vagina is extremely sore, and the external soft parts are swollen; tumefaction.
Vagina feels sore on urinating; bloody discharge. In the male, orchitis
from suppressed discharge. In the female, ovaritis, inflammation of all the pelvic organs.
Great soreness all over the pelvis.
Bleeding from the vagina. Ulceration of the uterus. Coition is painful or
"Pains like sticks or slivers in and about the womb".
This sensation prevails wherever there are ulcers.
"Prolapsus with ulceration of the os or cervix".
Haemorrhage of short duration; shoot ing pains through abdomen and
stomach. Metrorrhagia. Complaints of nervous women and at the menstrual period. Menses
suppressed or scanty. Complaints during pregnancy.
Heart: Under the
symptoms of the heart and pulse:
"Anxiety with palpitation and throbbing through the whole
"Violent palpitation from the slightest mental emotion or sudden
muscular exertion. Palpitation obliges her to press hand hard against heart for relief.
Heart’s action irregular, intermittent," etc.
Pain in the lumbar region comes on while sitting, but is better when
standing a walking. Pain in the back from flatulence. Sore pain in the spine. Pain in back
at night. Great weight in the lumbar region. It is a very useful remedy in locomotor ataxia.
Great restlessness. The nervous symptoms are very numerous. Periodical
trembling of the body. Chorea, with tearing in the legs. Convulsions preceded by great
restlessness. Nervous faintish, tremulous sensation, etc.
The sleep symptoms are quite general. Distressing nightmares. The dreams
are horrible Wakens in excitement and with starting. All sorts of strange, horrible things
in sleep. Dreams of vicious and violent things, and that everything is going to happen to
him. Dreams of departed friends, etc.
On waking in the morning limbs feel bruised aching in the chest,
Cannot sleep at night because he is so nervous.
Erysipelatous bed sores. While riding, palpitation and anxiety compelling
him to get out of the wagon and walk, and that real fast.
Purplish rash, such as appears in the most serious forms of scarlet and
zymotic diseases.
Its most natural antidote is Natrum muriaticum. When
you have the ulceration where the throat has been cauterized or the cervix uteri or eyelids
have been cauterized by Nitrate of Silver, study Natrum mur. and see if
the symptoms of the case would not justify its administration. It is the most common natural
antidote for these vicious practices.
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