sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2016

Procure no blog! Search the blog! You have in your hands, here and now, 638 different and good homeopathy`s contents. What about trying the search engine? Você tem em suas mãos, aqui e agora, 638 bons e diferentes conteúdos em homeopatia. Que tal experimentar o mecanismo de busca? Masz w swoich rękach, tu i teraz, 638 dobre i inna zawartość w homeopatii. Czy chcesz spróbować wyszukiwarkę?

Meet and buy the new and amazing app for homoeopathy at

Meet and buy the new and amazing app for homoeopathy at

Meet and buy the new and amazing app for homoeopathy at

Pois é, eu também nunca imaginei que um blog de homeopatia precisasse de algum dispositivo de segurança, mas precisa.

Nestes primeiros e bem-sucedidos tempos de funcionamento, Homeopatia Florianópolis foi alvo de muitos e variados ataques: páginas deformadas, computadores prejudicados, mouse travado, publicação dificultada, compartilhamento bloqueado e finalmente, por duas ou três vezes, perda completa de nosso controle sobre o blog e sobre a máquina através da qual o animamos.

Horas preciosas de vida e de trabalho foram jogadas no lixo, sem nenhum respeito por mim, nem por você.

Tendões e olhos foram violentamente desgastados, para satisfazer ao capricho de alguém que não pode estar muito bem.

Assim, peço a você visitante amiga, amigo, que reaja em defesa de nosso direito de informar e comunicar, garantido pela constituição e sistematicamente atropelado.

Esta página de segurança será publicada todos os dias, todos os 7 da semana e todos os do mes e do ano, para que a data mencionada no primeiro parágrafo permaneça atualizada.

O título um dia entrará em inglês, no outro em português.

Se você perceber que a data está desatualizada, salvo pequenas diferenças de horas provocadas pelos fusos horários, despache e-mails e mensagens protestando junto à presidência da república, à presidência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, à presidência da Câmara dos deputados e à presidência do Senado. Demais ministros, senadores e deputados também serão muito importantes, nesta hora. Também para seus amigos, conhecidos e parentes! Facebook e Twitter também são muito importantes para esta ação.

Se eventualmente decidir tirar o blog de linha, esta página será a primeira a desaparecer. Se estiver aqui, desatualizada, será por estarmos sendo vítimas de novos abusos. Defenda seu direito à informação. Defenda seu direito à comunicação!

Você será nossa melhor defesa! Os e-mails destas autoridades estão todos no Google!


Emilio José Lemos de Lima,


Yeah, I also had never imagined that a homeopathy blog needed a safety device, but it does.

In these early and successful operation times Homeopathy Florianopolis was the target of many and varied attacks: deformed pages, damaged computers, caught mouse, hampered publication, blocked sharing and finally, two or three times, complete loss of our control over the blog and over the machine by which I feed it.

Precious hours of life and work were thrown in the trash without any respect for me, neither for you.

My tendons and eyes were severely worn, to satisfy the whim of someone who may not be very well.

So, I ask you, visiting friend, to react in defense of our right to inform and communicate, guaranteed by the Constitution and systematically hitten.

This security page will be published every day, all 7 days of the week and all days of the month and of the year, so that the date mentioned in the first paragraph remains current.

The title one day comes in English, the other in Portuguese.

If you notice that the date is out of, except slight differences in hours caused by time zones, dispatch e-mails and messages protesting to the presidency of the republic, the president of the Supreme Court, the Chair of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate presidency . Other ministers, senators and representatives will also be very important at this time. Also for your friends, acquaintances and relatives! Facebook and Twitter are also very important for this action.

If I eventually decide to take the blog off line, this page will be the first to disappear. If it is on line, out of date, it will be because we are being victims of further abuse. Defend your right to information. Defend your right to communication!

You will be our best defense! The emails of these authorities are all on Google!

Thank You!

Emilio José Lemos de Lima,

Biting followed by remorse; a case of Lyssinum. Homeopathy 2016

by Evelien van de Kamp
golden retrieverJob is a three year old female golden retriever, who has been brought in for consultation due to biting her owner when she is in a stressful situation.  When she is on the loose, she also bites other people and dogs. Her owner has become panicky over this behaviour change, since her previous golden retriever had to be euthanized for a similar rage syndrome. She and her dog are losing trust in each other; when the owner is in a panic her dog bites even more. Job is very open and seems to pick up every little signal, which she cannot channel, and then she bites. Immediately afterwards, she is full of remorse: she behaves submissively and licks her owner’s hands.
Job has various anxieties: noise – she startles from relatively small noises and screaming children, and she does not dare to go in the kitchen when the dishwasher is on. She dislikes the garden sprinkler. She is, however, not afraid of fireworks, not even of fire-crackers thrown right between her legs! When she is anxious, she hides under the table against the wall. She is excited when there is strong wind and she chases everything that flies into the air. She is pushy, nervous, over-sensitive, and possessive of her owner. She has a very good appetite and has tough stringy saliva. In general, she is warm and prefers to lie in the shade. She has been vaccinated every year; a complete cocktail, including rabies. 
A dog who does not tolerate stimuli well, which results in short sharp bursts of panic and the tendency to bite anyone nearby. This is followed immediately by remorse.
Saliva stringy. Worse from sun, wind, and the sound of water
Prescription: Lyssinum (rabies nosode) C30, repeated after two weeks.
She improved immensely until the owner has her re-vaccinated a month later (again a complete “cocktail”, as well as deworming. After this, she had severe diarrhea and she became very restless; she was chasing everything that moves and attacked cyclists.
Lyssinum 30C was repeated but as the reaction was not as good this time, a higher potency was given: Lyssinum 200, 3 times. The owner was also advised to stop the rabies vaccinations and the monthly worm tablets.
Job’s disposition improved once again, and her owner felt confident enough to take her to agility training, which requires an excellent rapport between owner and dog (The handler teaches the dog various commands, and they run through an obstacle course together).
Three years later, she is still doing well.
The differential diagnosis was Stramonium but the fear of water and the stringy saliva pointed clearly to Lyssinum. A beautiful rubric for Lyssinum is: “anger, alternating with quick repentance.”
Many dogs respond with a similar aggression after their rabies vaccinations; sometimes, not after the first one but often after the second or third dose. It has become an important question to ask in the anamnesis of dogs who suddenly become aggressive or display behaviour changes.
With Lyssinum dogs, one sees a contradiction in their behaviour: they can be frightened of something tiny, yet be fearless in situations where one would normally expect a dog to be afraid.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Golden retriever playing in the snow;Ltshears
Keywords: biting, remorse, anxious from noise, stringy saliva, over-sensitive
Remedies: Lyssinum

From Interhomeopathy

quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2016

Daisy or the importance of onset in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Homeopathy 2016

by Douglas Wilson
The patient is a 15 year old desexed female Siamese cat called Daisy. She had been diagnosed about a year ago with hyperthyroidism. She was being treated with Felimazole (thiamazole/methimazole) 2.5mg BID. The owner said the treatment was expensive and difficult to administer. She also reported side effects of listlessness, lack of appetite, and occasional vomiting.
Previous History
The problem started about a year ago, following a rabies vaccination. She became less active and suffered a dramatic loss in weight. Previously, she had developed a local injection site reaction, between the withers. She lost her voice after being involved in a road traffic accident several years ago. She recently relocated from London to Croatia and lives in a household with 2 other cats.
Laboratory results
The thyroxine (T4) level was 70 nmol/L at the time of initial diagnosis (normal 8 - 40). Levels ranged between 40 and 11.4 during the period of treatment. 
daisy before1st Consultation: 14/10/2010
Eyes: alternating watery/dry. Painful
Nose: dry
Mouth: moderate tartar
Heart Rate: elevated, over 190 when untreated
Alert, interactive
‘Love junky’ (but only on her own terms)
Manipulative. Likes to control owner (less so with boyfriend)
Likes to be centre of attention, but also wants to be on her own
Sensitive to other people’s feelings
Jealous of other cats
Used to chew wool (since young) but not recently
To be warm
Sudden fast movements
Vacuum noise
Crinkly aluminium foil
Can be fussy
Likes fresh tuna, prawns, salt
Always drinks a lot
Repertorisation using Radar version 9.0 and Synthesis 9.1V
Sum of symptoms (sort:deg)  -  Sum of symptoms (sort:deg)  -  Intensity is considered
GENERALS - VACCINATION; ailments after - never well since
GENERALS - VACCINATION; ailments after - rabies; for
MIND - INDIFFERENCE - everything, to
MIND - SENSITIVE - noise, to - crackling of paper, to
LARYNX AND TRACHEA - VOICE - lost - fright agg.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - salt - desire
GENERALS - WARM - desire for warmth
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - tuna fish - desire
Reference to materia medica confirmed that Thuja was indicated, since it reflected many (but not all) of the major symptoms. Thyroidinum was also given as part of an ongoing investigation into rebalancing glandular activity (using LM potencies), with the intention of subsequently weaning off Felimazole. 
I routinely use LM potency remedies, beginning with the lowest potency available at the time.
Ø      Thuja LM2 SID
Ø      Thyroidinum LM2 SID
Ø      Felimazole 2.5mg EOD
Ø      Encourage raw meaty diet
2nd Consultation: 18/11/2010
The weight has increased to 3kg. Daisy’s general appearance has improved and she has more energy. She is eating a variety of fresh meats but vomited liver. Her voice is returning although it is still croaky. She also started to chew wool again last week. The homeopathic treatments were given as directed but the boyfriend did not give Felimazole regularly.
The increased weight and improved appearance are encouraging. The increase in energy and appetite for fresh meat may be a response to the treatment but it could also be the result of a reduced exposure to Felimazole. The observation that Daisy started to chew wool again is a good sign since this is the return of a previous long term behaviour that stopped when she started to suffer from hyperthyroidism. Another favourable sign is the return of her voice, which she lost after a road traffic accident several years ago.
The homeopathic treatment was continued as before and the Felimazole was reduced to 2.5mg twice weekly.
3rd Consultation: 07/01/2011
Daisy after
Daisy’s weight is still increasing and is now 3.4kg.  Her voice has returned and is no longer croaky. She is eating her raw food diet well. Her nose is not dry and her eyes appear better. Her breath smells better and she is no longer jealous when other cats sit on the owner’s knee. 
An improvement in all the physical symptoms is encouraging. Daisy is improving on a deeper level since she no longer appears to be jealous. The improvement in her breath is perhaps because she is actually flossing her teeth when she chews wool (?!)
Reduce Thuja LM2 to once, every second day. Continue Thyroidinum LM2 SID. Stop Felimazole.
Future Plan
Re-visit after one month. Consider using Natrum muriaticum instead of Thuja, if this is indicated. Probably also wean off Thyroidinum.
It is anticipated that Natrum muriaticum is likely to be required at some time in the future, as a constitutional remedy for Daisy. This is for several reasons, especially the mental symptoms.
To other people’s feelings
To crinkly aluminium foil - repertorised as rustle of paper (although most cats are averse to the sound of aluminium foil)
‘Love junky’ on her terms
Likes to be centre of attention, but also wants to be on her own
As with Thuja, Natrum muriaticum has strong sycotic symptoms that are shared by the patient. These include:
Hyper: overactive gland
Hydrogenoid: always drinks a lot (uncommon in cats fed properly)
Salt: desires salt and sea food
Felimazole side effects:
It is worthwhile reminding ourselves of the side effects that are recognised for Felimazole since some of these (eg, vomiting, anorexia, and listlessness) may contribute to the patient’s symptom picture.
Vomit, off food, listless
Itchy face & neck (self traumatise)
Bone marrow suppression (red blood cells and white blood cells)
Reduces hepatic oxidation of benzimidazole anthelmintics (advise caution when worming)
Less effective if on phenobarbitone
Immunomodulatory (caution advised with vaccination)
It is also important to be aware of the side effects that occur in people since our clients will be administering the drug. This is particularly important in pregnant women since Felimazole is a suspect teratogen. It is excreted in the urine, so women should wash their hands after handling the drug and when emptying litter trays. 
Keywords: hyperthyroidism, rabies vaccination, love junky, weight loss, croaky voice,
Remedies: Thuja, Thyreoidinum
From Interhomeopathy

sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

A guide dog with behaviour problems. Homeopathy 2016.

by Evelien van de Kamp
german shepherd pupKarel is a Dutch long-haired German shepherd dog. The first time I saw him, he was 10 months old and had just started his training as a guide dog for the blind. After an initial good start, he became hyperactive, circling the whole day in his kennel; he was completely unreachable until he was let out, then he made contact. Once out, he was hyperactive, chasing everything – cats, joggers, birds, and even fast cars. When brought back to his kennel, the contact with him was again lost. It became impossible to train him.
He ought to weigh about 40 kilos, according to his race and his age, but he only weighed 27 kilos and his hip bones and ribs stuck far out of his furry coat. He was well fed on a good brand diet, made especially for large dogs. He ate everything but it came out almost undigested, with constant loose stools.
Guide dogs live their first year in a guest home with children, where they are cherished and constantly accompanied. The dog learns everything along the way; he goes to the market, comes in the car, and learns the little things, such as ignoring other dogs and sitting before crossing the street. At the end of that year, he is taken away from his family and goes into formal training, which in practice means being put in a kennel until he is let out for walks or for training. Many dogs cope with this system but some do not. In human terms, one could say that these dogs go from heaven to hell. Some dogs undergo a completely change of character and display unacceptable behaviour, which was the case with Karel.
He was the first guide dog brought to me for treatment. The owners had very little faith – neither in him nor in homeopathy as such. I was told that he was being put on probation while the training continued, then two weeks later, I heard that he was disqualified for the training and had even been put on the list for euthanasia. He was regarded as a hopeless case, completely disturbed. There was nothing to lose, though, and I was allowed to try my best for him!
I gave him Iodum C200, twice, based on his obsessive behaviour, his digestion, his impulsiveness, and his history of “losing his home” – a major theme of Iodum, according to Jan Scholten. He improved enormously and after two weeks of being let out every two hours, his digestion was back to normal: he ate well, his stools were firm, and he could hold them in. He was disqualified from training and began a new life. He was lively, cheerful, and enthusiastic but the problems were not completely over yet. His impulsive behaviour continued; he acted impulsively and frightened people by chasing them for fun, with a big smile on his face. When he reached them, he would bark twice, wag his tail, and then turn around; he did not bite. Being in a car was also a problem. The idea that it had to do with small spaces was verified by his behaviour in confined places such as lifts. He was a typical example of “all bark but no bite”; afraid of things that others would find normal. He had diarrhea from anticipation. His character was open and he made contact with everyone.
He was given Argentum nitricum 200C, which again helped him enormously. This was given frequently in the course of the following years and the improvement continued. Finally, he became a wonderful dog, who charmed everyone with his charisma. His weight was around 47 kilos, without much fat.
He died recently of old age and his ashes were scattered on one of our favorite places on this beautiful island (Schiermonnikoog). I would like to dedicate this article to him, one of the nicest, most fun dogs I’ve ever known. 
                                                         german shepherd
Thankfully, the training for guide dogs has changed since Karel’s time; these days dogs often live at home with their trainers.
Photos: Wikimedia Commons
11 week old German shepherd puppy. Head profile; Marilyn Peddle
Pastor alemán gallego; Albert Galliza

Keywords: hyperactive, unreachable, impulsive, loss of home, digestive problems, weight loss
Remedies: Argentum nitricum, Iodium
From Interhomeopathy

sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2016

Procure no blog! Search the blog! You have in your hands, here and now, 635 different and good homeopathy`s contents. What about trying the search engine? Você tem em suas mãos, aqui e agora, 635 bons e diferentes conteúdos em homeopatia. Que tal experimentar o mecanismo de busca? Masz w swoich rękach, tu i teraz, 635 dobre i inna zawartość w homeopatii. Czy chcesz spróbować wyszukiwarkę?

Meet and buy the new and amazing app for homoeopathy at

Meet and buy the new and amazing app for homoeopathy at

Meet and buy the new and amazing app for homoeopathy at

Pois é, eu também nunca imaginei que um blog de homeopatia precisasse de algum dispositivo de segurança, mas precisa.

Nestes primeiros e bem-sucedidos tempos de funcionamento, Homeopatia Florianópolis foi alvo de muitos e variados ataques: páginas deformadas, computadores prejudicados, mouse travado, publicação dificultada, compartilhamento bloqueado e finalmente, por duas ou três vezes, perda completa de nosso controle sobre o blog e sobre a máquina através da qual o animamos.

Horas preciosas de vida e de trabalho foram jogadas no lixo, sem nenhum respeito por mim, nem por você.

Tendões e olhos foram violentamente desgastados, para satisfazer ao capricho de alguém que não pode estar muito bem.

Assim, peço a você visitante amiga, amigo, que reaja em defesa de nosso direito de informar e comunicar, garantido pela constituição e sistematicamente atropelado.

Esta página de segurança será publicada todos os dias, todos os 7 da semana e todos os do mes e do ano, para que a data mencionada no primeiro parágrafo permaneça atualizada.

O título um dia entrará em inglês, no outro em português.

Se você perceber que a data está desatualizada, salvo pequenas diferenças de horas provocadas pelos fusos horários, despache e-mails e mensagens protestando junto à presidência da república, à presidência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, à presidência da Câmara dos deputados e à presidência do Senado. Demais ministros, senadores e deputados também serão muito importantes, nesta hora. Também para seus amigos, conhecidos e parentes! Facebook e Twitter também são muito importantes para esta ação.

Se eventualmente decidir tirar o blog de linha, esta página será a primeira a desaparecer. Se estiver aqui, desatualizada, será por estarmos sendo vítimas de novos abusos. Defenda seu direito à informação. Defenda seu direito à comunicação!

Você será nossa melhor defesa! Os e-mails destas autoridades estão todos no Google!


Emilio José Lemos de Lima,


Yeah, I also had never imagined that a homeopathy blog needed a safety device, but it does.

In these early and successful operation times Homeopathy Florianopolis was the target of many and varied attacks: deformed pages, damaged computers, caught mouse, hampered publication, blocked sharing and finally, two or three times, complete loss of our control over the blog and over the machine by which I feed it.

Precious hours of life and work were thrown in the trash without any respect for me, neither for you.

My tendons and eyes were severely worn, to satisfy the whim of someone who may not be very well.

So, I ask you, visiting friend, to react in defense of our right to inform and communicate, guaranteed by the Constitution and systematically hitten.

This security page will be published every day, all 7 days of the week and all days of the month and of the year, so that the date mentioned in the first paragraph remains current.

The title one day comes in English, the other in Portuguese.

If you notice that the date is out of, except slight differences in hours caused by time zones, dispatch e-mails and messages protesting to the presidency of the republic, the president of the Supreme Court, the Chair of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate presidency . Other ministers, senators and representatives will also be very important at this time. Also for your friends, acquaintances and relatives! Facebook and Twitter are also very important for this action.

If I eventually decide to take the blog off line, this page will be the first to disappear. If it is on line, out of date, it will be because we are being victims of further abuse. Defend your right to information. Defend your right to communication!

You will be our best defense! The emails of these authorities are all on Google!

Thank You!

Emilio José Lemos de Lima,

Kashmir, an example of a seemingly physical problem. Homeopathy 2016.

by Vicki Mathison
KKashmirashmir, an 18 year old Arab broodmare, presented with the most horrendous case of mud fever, rain scald, and loss of weight despite being on excellent pasture and daily hard feeds. She had been treated with everything! As horse owners know, there are nearly as many bizarre suggestions on how to deal with mud fever as there are horses. Nothing had made the slightest difference, including homeopathic remedies well indicated for her physical problem.
This mare had had a miserable for the first 14 years of life; she had been savagely abused and struggled to trust humans. Kashmir’s way of dealing with her fear was to avert her head: “If I can’t see you, you don’t exist and cannot hurt me(?)” Looking into the depth of her eyes, one could clearly see the hurt, pain, and profound desolation. She showed no aggression or anger – just a dull submission. She had been given Staphisagria and this had been the turning point in her ability to trust her present owners.
4 years later, she was sent to stud – away from everything she had grown to trust. The subsequent weaning of her foal seemed to have brought up all of her past trauma. The strange aspect of the case was that she did not show any emotional signs of distress during the weaning and was looked after beautifully by the owner of the stud. She did, however, show symptoms of deep depression and it seemed that her immune system had taken a dive, hence the severe skin destruction. 
It seemed that Kashmir needed to be treated on an emotional level, for without addressing this level first, the remedies well indicated for her physical problems were not able to work. The plan was to bring her back into her body and then proceed with other remedies.
She was given Staphisagria 1m for two days and that was ALL she needed! Fourteen days later, the mud fever and rain scald had disappeared, she had gained weight, and she was back to her original relaxed and affectionate self.

mud fever                           1 week later                         14 days later
       Before treatment                                              One week later                                                         Two weeks later
Photos: Vicky Mathison
Keywords: mud fever, rain scald, emaciation, savagely abused, struggles to trust humans
Remedies: Staphisagria
From Interhomeopathy

quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2016

Procure no blog! Search the blog! You have in your hands, here and now, 634 different and good homeopathy`s contents. What about trying the search engine? Você tem em suas mãos, aqui e agora, 634 bons e diferentes conteúdos em homeopatia. Que tal experimentar o mecanismo de busca? Masz w swoich rękach, tu i teraz, 634 dobre i inna zawartość w homeopatii. Czy chcesz spróbować wyszukiwarkę?

Meet and buy the new and amazing app for homoeopathy at

Meet and buy the new and amazing app for homoeopathy at

Meet and buy the new and amazing app for homoeopathy at

Pois é, eu também nunca imaginei que um blog de homeopatia precisasse de algum dispositivo de segurança, mas precisa.

Nestes primeiros e bem-sucedidos tempos de funcionamento, Homeopatia Florianópolis foi alvo de muitos e variados ataques: páginas deformadas, computadores prejudicados, mouse travado, publicação dificultada, compartilhamento bloqueado e finalmente, por duas ou três vezes, perda completa de nosso controle sobre o blog e sobre a máquina através da qual o animamos.

Horas preciosas de vida e de trabalho foram jogadas no lixo, sem nenhum respeito por mim, nem por você.

Tendões e olhos foram violentamente desgastados, para satisfazer ao capricho de alguém que não pode estar muito bem.

Assim, peço a você visitante amiga, amigo, que reaja em defesa de nosso direito de informar e comunicar, garantido pela constituição e sistematicamente atropelado.

Esta página de segurança será publicada todos os dias, todos os 7 da semana e todos os do mes e do ano, para que a data mencionada no primeiro parágrafo permaneça atualizada.

O título um dia entrará em inglês, no outro em português.

Se você perceber que a data está desatualizada, salvo pequenas diferenças de horas provocadas pelos fusos horários, despache e-mails e mensagens protestando junto à presidência da república, à presidência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, à presidência da Câmara dos deputados e à presidência do Senado. Demais ministros, senadores e deputados também serão muito importantes, nesta hora. Também para seus amigos, conhecidos e parentes! Facebook e Twitter também são muito importantes para esta ação.

Se eventualmente decidir tirar o blog de linha, esta página será a primeira a desaparecer. Se estiver aqui, desatualizada, será por estarmos sendo vítimas de novos abusos. Defenda seu direito à informação. Defenda seu direito à comunicação!

Você será nossa melhor defesa! Os e-mails destas autoridades estão todos no Google!


Emilio José Lemos de Lima,


Yeah, I also had never imagined that a homeopathy blog needed a safety device, but it does.

In these early and successful operation times Homeopathy Florianopolis was the target of many and varied attacks: deformed pages, damaged computers, caught mouse, hampered publication, blocked sharing and finally, two or three times, complete loss of our control over the blog and over the machine by which I feed it.

Precious hours of life and work were thrown in the trash without any respect for me, neither for you.

My tendons and eyes were severely worn, to satisfy the whim of someone who may not be very well.

So, I ask you, visiting friend, to react in defense of our right to inform and communicate, guaranteed by the Constitution and systematically hitten.

This security page will be published every day, all 7 days of the week and all days of the month and of the year, so that the date mentioned in the first paragraph remains current.

The title one day comes in English, the other in Portuguese.

If you notice that the date is out of, except slight differences in hours caused by time zones, dispatch e-mails and messages protesting to the presidency of the republic, the president of the Supreme Court, the Chair of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate presidency . Other ministers, senators and representatives will also be very important at this time. Also for your friends, acquaintances and relatives! Facebook and Twitter are also very important for this action.

If I eventually decide to take the blog off line, this page will be the first to disappear. If it is on line, out of date, it will be because we are being victims of further abuse. Defend your right to information. Defend your right to communication!

You will be our best defense! The emails of these authorities are all on Google!

Thank You!

Emilio José Lemos de Lima,

Arran, the bird-dog. Homeopathy 2016

by Geoff Johnson
border collie2Arran, a 5 years old entire male border collie, presented with arthritis of the thoracic spine and pelvis on 25/3/08, confirmed by radiography. The pelvis gave him great discomfort, demonstrated by pain on palpation and difficulty rising.
In the consulting room, he was lively, excitable, and starting at little movements and noises. He approached me and accepted a stroke and then returned to the owner, whom he licked and clung to slightly, pawing her leg and hiding behind her a bit. He was fearful and trembling on being examined and sought protection from the owner. He was very alert. “He is very watchful and has 360 degree senses.”
He was chosen by the owners from his litter-mates because they noticed that he was always exploring and on his own, "although he was not an outcast." He kept climbing up things and falling off. He is very intelligent. He will not let visitors approach initially but, given time, he will go to them. If someone really wants to be loved by him, however, he will not oblige - “he hates being over-smothered.” He has always had a nervous edge, which is worse with children because they “barge and crash and he slinks off.” He loves walking, particularly at the sea and in open spaces, like the moors, rather than in woodland.
He is excessively sensitive to feelings; if someone is crying, he comes, puts his head on their knees, and is very quiet. If they are laughing, he brings a toy and wants to be with them. Raised voices make him cower and freeze. He waits until he knows what you want him to do and then does it. He is very obedient and adores being trained but hates the lead. He has profuse slobbering because he pants so much in the car, being so excited by winding lanes “because they are walks and fun,” but settles and sleeps on the motorway. His favorite game is jumping in the air and catching things. When his back is bad, he becomes more jumpy, is averse to touch, and does not want a fuss. The physiotherapist says his muscles are frequently in spasm, especially the neck.
He hates bathing. He hates being cornered in any way and cowers or tries to get out but in a defensive way rather than an attacking way. He would never chase sheep; once another dog chased some sheep and Arran went, rounded up the other dog, and brought her back “because he knew I was concerned and intuitively he does my wishes.”

He is not top or bottom dog, and is not too concerned about hierarchy. He will, however, fight an aggressor. He is not over-sexed. He is a bit jealous and if the owner makes a fuss of another dog, he becomes “a sickening goody-two shoes”. He pushes between the owner and her partner when they cuddle. He behaves worse when the owner is with him at the physiotherapist's “because he feels he has to protect me.” He is not clairvoyant. He is sensitive to changes in atmosphere, which makes him sneeze. When a visitor unknown to him comes, he barks ferociously until he is told to stop, and then goes away to his bed. If the visitor is a friend, he is delighted and tries to get a game going.
Remember, it is important to listen to the exact words of the owner.
There are several themes running through the case:
1: tubercular energy – averse to being smothered, cornered, the lead; the desire for open spaces, winding roads cause excitement, the exploring and climbing as a small puppy. 2: Empathy – meaning an awareness and full comprehension of others’ feelings. This is different from sympathy, which does not suggest such understanding, and clairvoyance, which suggests knowledge but not necessarily with sympathy. Note that the snakes are clairvoyant, the spiders have a great sensitivity to others' feelings but cannot understand them, and mammals have compassion and the power to comfort.
3: Alertness
The kingdom is not as obvious here as in some cases but the alertness and 'aliveness' suggests an animal remedy, although some plant (e.g. Solanaceae) and mineral remedies (e.g. phosphorus compounds) can, of course, appear like this. It was more of a feeling that an animal remedy was required despite the fact that hierarchy was not an issue.
The degree of empathy or sympathy suggests a mammal or a bird remedy. The tubercular element suggests a bird, spider, or insect remedy. The fine tremor and great alertness together could suggest a bird – that feeling of holding a small bird in your hand. 360 degree vision suggests bird or insect remedy. I was considering a bird remedy after the first 10 minutes of consultation; the confirmation came through Arran's fears. “He is watchful with noise but not too bothered and is OK with fireworks and thunder. He is really twitchy in the morning with the dawn chorus and in the house, seems terrified by the calls of pheasants – he becomes twitchy and pants and rolls his eyes and clings to me, yet he will chase pheasants, when I let him out in the morning.”
After that statement the only decision was 'which bird to use?' A materia medica search revealed that Ovi gallinae pellicula (the inner lining of hen's egg) has a strong affinity to the lumbo-sacral area and is generally worse for over-exertion. The difficulty with veterinary homeopathy is that you cannot take the animal verbally to level 5 (sensation or source level), as you do with human patients, who may well tell you reasonably accurately what sort of bird they need! Chicken did not seem ideal because hierarchy is very important to them; 'pecking order'. The extreme 'Carcinosin like' obedience of Arran, however, could suggest a domesticated bird. Obviously, pheasant could be considered but my dealings with them do not suggest great intelligence!
Prescription: Ovi gallinae pellicula 200c bid 2doses, taken on 28/3/08
border collieFollow-up
A month later: his lameness and discomfort were very much worse the day after taking the remedy. He could hardly move, was continually changing position, and would not be touched for 24 hours. Then, for three days, he was three times as bad in his reaction to the pheasants’ calls and the dawn chorus; “As soon as they started, he was squeaking and running up the stairs to get to me.” He had become very jumpy in the thoracic area, if he was touched.
Two months late: he looks great, has shown steady improvement, and is happy to be stroked. He shows no stiffness and just climbed Mt Snowdon in the snow, where he fell all over the place, yet seemed fine the next day. He has stopped coming upstairs. He is generally cheerier, has become less clingy and is not scared of everything all the time. The physiotherapist said he was transformed and could not understand how such a change occured in him in only 4 weeks. He can now stretch his legs right back.
Birds in Homeopathy
General animal themes present: survival, one-upmanship, jealousy, ego, competition, dirty, smallness, attack and defense.
It has been suggested that the animal theme is not as obvious in birds as in other families but I have not observed this.
Bird Mind
Impartial detachment but also connection – the way a homeopath must be detached but also connected
Intuition/natural knowing
Drugged disorientated, out of it, not there
Spiritual and search for it
Empathy +/- family awareness – often in healing professions
Group or family relationships depending on whether flock or solitary
Responsibility and freedom
Connection to mountains and sea
Freedom, travel +/- sophisticated, cosmopolitan
Pride without haughtiness
The urge to do it right – not quite perfectionism – to protect, care, mother
Indifferent, cold, detached
Trapped, escape, hunt, chase, fly, soar, high, heavy, hooks, surprise attack from the blue, rip, tear, violence, murder, buoyant, horizon, travel, extension, separated, focus, speed, swoop, suffocated, claws, blood, torture, crushing, power, heavy, light, suffocation, vision acute/clear/far/bright, caged, cornered, oppressed, free, free-spirited, free-fall, empathy, flight, clarity, direction, order, balance, speed, horizon.
Photos: Wikimedia Commons
A black and white border collie; Johh Leslie
Border Collie "Griff", taken on a hill top (about 2,700 feet) in the Southern Uplands of Scotland; Beth Loft
Keywords: averse to being smothered, desire open spaces, empathy, alertness, arthritis, pelvic stiffness
Remedies: Ovi gallinae pellicula
From Interhomeopathy

quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2016

Never acknowledged; a case of Thymolum. Homeopathy 2016.

by Rob Peters
The following case history is of a woman to whom I gave a little-known remedy chosen exclusively on the themes which came up during the consultation and which had an unexpectedly good result.
Case: Mrs. V, born 1960, first consultation: 13-02-2002
Mrs V.’s main problems are food binging and obesity. She also suffers from epilepsy: a combination of petit mal and absences. During an attack she is confused and absent-minded, she goes through the motion of swallowing and she rubs her hands together compulsively. Sometimes, she begins to sing during the attack (Crocus, Teucrium e.g.). Preceding the fit, she sometimes has the sensation of heat in the upper abdomen. Her medication is Trileptal 300 mg. twice-daily, one  tablet; on this medication she is free from fits. The epilepsy started ten years ago, after she and her first husband divorced.
They have one child, an autistic son with a slowly progressive muscular disease (Morbus Becker). She and her second husband have one daughter, who is now six years old. She describes her parental home as being unsafe. Her parents were into the partner-swap scene, so they were emotionally unavailable for her. She was made to feel like a nuisance, always “thoroughly belittled”, and told that she was worthless. Her first husband treated her the way her parents did: “You are worthless, a good for nothing person”; he continually verbally abused her.
She does not dare to make real contact with people for fear of being hurt again. “I am so sad and that just continues. I am good at suppressing my feelings but the tears are very near the surface.” As a child, she was very shy and did not dare to assert herself.
The main issues she talks about are the grief and the incomprehension she suffered in the past. With her in-laws, she has the same feeling of not being understood or appreciated. Her present marriage is good.
She is a solid, round, obese woman, who looks younger than her age; she gives the impression of a child. She is loquacious and apparently very open but one can feel the tension and the grief underneath the surface. The loquacity is very apparent and I make a note of this as being a striking symptom.
Former illnesses:
-        Recurrent right-sided otitis media
-        Since a fall from a staircase at the age of five, she has a fear of heights and of descending a flight of steep stairs (Borax, Sanicula).
-        In the evening, she suffers from abdominal distention.
This is a woman who has been treated like a child for almost her whole life. You could say she was emotionally abused. Her biggest problem, her binging, has been an obsession for a long time. She has bottled up the grief about her youth and her first marriage. During the consultation, she recounts her history openly but the emotions are controlled and not shared. Striking symptoms are the singing during an epileptic fit, the loquacity and the grief about the fact that as a child and later as a grown-up she was never acknowledged or taken seriously.
At first, I thought of Teucrium because in its symptomatology it has this ravenous appetite but in the case history I missed any mention of worms or nasal polyps due to allergic problems. When she told me about her preference for the herbs lavender and thyme, I started to consider other members of the Lamiales family or extracts of them.
After doing some research on the Lamiaceae, via a report that the Dutch Masi-group had made on this family and information from Jan Scholten, I came up with the idea of thymolum – an extract of thyme. Thymolum, like Teucrium, has the symptom: loquacity. In this case history, we find the theme of not being acknowledged (Lamiaceae), the years of pent-up feelings, the epilepsy, and the increased appetite expressed in binging. Because in this case the accent of the physical ‘complaint’ was on the epilepsy, I chose Thymolum, although I had never heard of this remedy and thus certainly knew nothing about the remedy picture.
                                              thymus vulgaris
Prescription: Thymolum MK, one dose, on three successive days. Then, when needed, which turned out to be before her periods.
Follow-up after 6 weeks
"I now eat three times a day, with a couple of snacks in between; these days I enjoy eating and haven’t been binging. ‘I am not allowed to enjoy eating’ has turned into ‘I enjoy eating’. I have been kinder to myself; I even bought myself a bunch of flowers. I don’t punish myself anymore. My whole life, I’ve heard what I did wrong, now I want to enjoy life. I lost three kilograms without having to exert myself. I have more self-respect.”
She is less restless and more powerful.
Follow-up after 3 months
During the last months she again lost weight (7 kg), had no binging sessions and felt wonderful. “I am going to follow a course on chiropody.” She quit her job as a chairwoman. Again, she starts talking about the fact that she feels much stronger and that she has more self-respect. “I feel like a different person, I am more open towards others. I don’t let people hurt me. Why should I visit people I don’t like? I don’t want to be disappointed anymore !”She takes the remedy when she has the surge to binge, usually pre-menstrually, when her pent-up grief surfaces and she wants to weep. During the treatment the weeping became less. “I feel stronger than ever.”
Follow-up in September 2002
She calls to tell me that all is well. She is feeling great and does not find it necessary to come for a consultation, so we agree that she will ring me if she has a setback. She takes Thymolum once a month. During the treatment she has lost 17 kg. On the next visit to the neurologist, she will bring up the subject of cutting down the anti-epileptic medication.
In retrospect, it is possible to bring out Thyme in the repertorisation but it did not actually happen in that way. I was acquainted with the themes of the Lamiaceae and thus stuck to that plant family and found Thymolum. 
Some information on Thymolum:
The chemical formula of the substance that is extracted from the Thyme species and the Monarda species is: C10H14O
         Formula: C10H14O
Thymol was first discovered by Caspar Neumann. He was the first to extract Thymolum from thyme oil, in 1719. In 1842, Lallemand was able to purify it; he called the substance Thymol. Thymol is found in Thyme, Horsemint, and Carum Ajowan. Thymol is used as an antiseptic and disinfectant, and as such is considered superior to carbolic acid. Its applications are:
-        Externally for wounds, ulcers, and abscesses
-        As a preservative
-        It was used for inhaling during infections of the air-passages. In diphtheria, it was used to give relief to the patient.
-        When in contact with mucous membranes, it has an irritating effect and a nasty taste.
When taken orally in a large dose the pure substance will bring about nausea, which hardly ever results in vomiting. Some of the testers experienced a transitory (passing) heat in the stomach region accompanied by diarrhea resembling typhoid fever, which is reminiscent of the feeling my patient had before an epileptic fit: heat in the stomach region. Other striking symptoms of the use of Thymolum are: an increase in urine production and urine has a greenish color; this is also mentioned in the repertory: URINE, color, greenish, on standing. Still larger amounts of Thymolum can bring about a coma.
Thymol can also be used as a remedy for expelling tapeworms. The external use of Thymol in various skin affections like scalds, eczema, psoriasis, lichen, etc. and internally as an inhalator (see above), are the most important medical applications of this substance.
Photos: Wikimedia Commons
Thymus vulgaris faustinii, Garden, Nied, Frankfurt/Main, Germany; Fritz Geller-Grimm

Keywords: grief from not being acknowledged, food binging, obesity, loquacity, singing during epileptic fits
Remedies: Thymolum
From Interhomeopathy

terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2016

I feel like a robot; a case of Teucrium marum. Homeopathy 2016.

by Alex Leupen
TeucriumThe patient is a 38 year old man, whose first consultation was in 1992. He came because of infections around his finger nails (panaritium), which started two months previously. At first, it was very painful, as though a needle had been stuck in his fingers.
Another problem is a lack of feelings: he is not even depressed, it is just that nothing seems to touch him. “It just leaves me cold and apathetic, I feel like a robot.” This partly has to do with being unemployed. Seven years previously, he had graduated as an ecologist. Since then, he has had seven contract jobs but he has been unemployed for the last four months. He has written many job applications and is sad about the fact that he cannot find a job. “My energy disappears into nothing, I can’t build anything up.”
Medical history:
At 16, he had two tumours under his tongue, filled with yellow fluid. One was surgically removed, the other shrank on its own. Before that, he had a lot of problems with worms and mucous in his stools. He has often lived in communal settings, where he would be affected by arguments: “I can’t stand it if I can’t trust people.” Arguments seemed to bring on infestations of worms and he would have anal itch in the evenings and in bed. He tends to bite his fingernails.
Aversion to cold weather, especially snow storms. Aversion to cold and damp.
Perspiration/night sweats minimal
Previously great desires for sweets
Character and biography:
“I am very friendly.” He lives alone, likes his own territory, though in the past he often lived in communities due to his idealism. He wants to live in such a way that on his deathbed he can look back satisfied with his life. He is a strict vegetarian. He has been brought up in the Dutch Reformed Church, known for its dogmatic approach. He is the youngest of four children. His mother was very dominant and gave her children the feeling that they could never do anything right. His father kept to the background. He was brought up with the feeling that “people are bad and the world is bad.” For a long time he did not want to have children of his own.
He is attracted to both men and women. He has a daughter, together with a girlfriend who lives in the same street; his daughter spends half of the week with him. He does not want to live together with his girlfriend.
He would like to be involved in Amnesty International but cannot stand the stories of violence and torture; they touch him too deeply. “I prefer to just donate money.” He occupies himself with the protection of nature and with leadership functions. He hates having to apply for jobs, as though he is selling himself. “This culture has too much packaging and too little content, it is a bla bla culture, all full of air.”
The combination of panaritium and worms is a good indication for Teucrium marum (cat thyme). Teucrium is also a remedy for nose polyps; this man had tumours under his tongue. His reaction to cruel stories is quite noticeable. Teucrium is found in this rubric: “Horrible things and sad stories upset her profoundly.”
Prescription: Teucrium 200K
His fingers healed quickly and he felt emotionally much better. A year later, his GP, who had sent him to me, reported that he was still doing very well.
Teucrium is a plant from the Lamiales family. Rajan Sankaran uses the former name Labiatae; he emphasises the sensation “excitement, which can be vivid, pleasant and tremulous.” As a passive reaction he names “lack of excitability, absent reaction to external things, numbness, disinterest.” This man calls himself a robot: “Everything leaves me cold and apathetic.” His feelings are numbed, which is a good illustration of a passive reaction fitting the Lamiaceae.
Photos: Wikimedia Commons
Flor de Teucrium pseudochamaepitys (Lamiaceae, Lamiales); Adrian198cm
Keywords: feeling like a robot, cold and apathetic, panaritium, worm infestation, cannot stand cruelty
Remedies: Teucrium marum verum
From Interhomeopathy

segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2016

My heart runs away with me; a case of Lycopus virginicus. Homeopathy 2016.

by Alex Leupen
LycopusA 38 year old woman came for palpitations, in October 2005. In the past, she had responded well to Staphysagria 200K for recurrent cystitis. The palpitations are worse at night, especially around 4:00 am; they wake her up. They are also worse after exciting experiences; they start quickly, stop quickly, and give the feeling as though she has been running fast.
In the past, she has been treated with carbimazol for hyperthyroidism. The palpitations remind her of this period, since they have the same symptoms. She calls it a “hyper-feeling”, as though she is dissociated, standing outside of herself. 
She has a busy job; she and her partner have their own business in the design and export of wooden products.
Desires: cheese, French cheese, clove cheese, red wine, bread, chocolate
Aversions: meat, coffee
Thirst: very thirsty
Menses: irregular cycles; sometimes they come every two weeks and then sometimes not for 6 months. When she has a period, it lasts for 2 – 7 days, sometimes with profuse blood loss, sometimes with very little. Sometimes, she has hot flushes with palpitations and perspiration, with pressure in her occiput, followed by a desire for herb tea, especially lemon verbena or mint.
She is very creative; she does a lot with oil paint and ceramics and makes her own paint with various pigments. She is very sensitive to the moods of others and picks up on things; this is something she has learned as the daughter of a deaf mother. She likes to touch people when talking. She is happy and cheerful and she does not like arguments, much preferring to be in agreement. She loves to travel.
Life history:
She is the only child of a mother who had suffered from a war trauma. After the  September 11 attacks in New York, her mother packed her bags and disappeared for weeks until she was finally found again. She does not want to have contact with anyone, not even with her own daughter, so the patient waits until her mother takes the initiative.
She is very lively, open, and communicative; cheerful and laughing a lot. She often wears black clothing. I have noticed that she creates an almost euphoric atmosphere; I often find myself dissolving into helpless laughter.
This is a case of Lycopus virginicus (American wolf's paw) from the Lamiaceae family (formerly called the Labiatae, or lip flowers). A characteristic of Lycopus is hyperthyroidism with palpitations. According to Jan Scholten, patients needing Lamiales remind us of Phosphorus: sensitive and communicative. There is often a certain exhilaration, sometimes sensuality. The plants themselves stimulates the senses, especially through their smell and taste: thyme, lavender, peppermint, basil, oregano, lemon verbena, sage, etc. Sometimes, they are a “lust for the eyes”; one thinks of the lavender fields of Provence. Remarkable in her case is the desire for, and the improvement from, tea from mint or lemon verbena, which are both from the lamiales family.
When I told her which plant I had prescribed for her, she said enthusiastically that her whole balcony is full of pots of basil, verbena, and mint. Her whole story is filled with the atmosphere and the scent of the lip-flowers. The euphoria during the consultation, both for her and for me, confirmed this prescription.
After the remedy, her palpitations disappeared completely; she had not felt that good for years, ever since the hyperthyroidism. She has remained well for the last five years.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Lycopus europaeus. Gouda, Netherlands

Keywords: hyperthyroidism, palpitations, happy, cheerful, euphoria
Remedies: Lycopus virginicus
From Interhomeopathy

domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Named after her grandmother; a case of Rosmarinus. Homeopathy 2016.

by Maarten van der Meer
The patient is an eleven year old girl with digestive complaints and behaviour problems; she needs laxatives and has haemorrhoids from pushing too much. She has sour eructations and stomach aches when she is tense. When she was four, she had discharge from her ears that ran all the way down to her chin.
Emotionally, she is up and down; she has periods when she is quiet, then periods when she “loses the plot”, and it is impossible to get a grip on her. She will not listen – it is as though she does not hear. She has serious problems at school; she cannot concentrate and she goes from one thing to another without finishing anything.  All her schoolwork lies on the table and she cannot figure out where to start. She begins to cry if her parents ask her to start doing her homework. She is very restless; she just cannot sit still. She gets in a panic if something has to be done quickly. She is already tense about having to do a talk at school in three months time. She is very emotional; she is still upset about the death of her grandmother three years ago. She can become very angry; first she broods, then becomes very restless and can start fights, then she explodes, stamping her feet (DD Lamiaceae, Compositae).
Mother: “The pregnancy and birth went well, I just had some hypertension. As a baby, she was sweet and lovely. She only cried if you rode her backwards in a buggy. When her sister was born, it was a difficult time, with many hospital admissions, and her grandmother became sick, too. She was put on the sideline and felt like she was left in a corner by herself (Lamiaceae). After that, she started to become sick and since then she has no middle ground; she is either full on or in a complete ‘standstill’.”
Often, her parents have to get firm with her. She wants to do everything too perfectly, which does not work out, and then she says “I can’t do it!”  If something does not go well for her, a task or a game, she stamps her feet and shouts so much that it frightens her sister. She sleeps well but moves a lot and talks in her sleep (Lamiaceae). She is afraid of storms and gets into a panic. She is not shy at all and tells everything easily. She knows everything precisely and knows where to find things. She has no friends and is never asked to come to parties: “You are too busy, we don’t want you.”
She has been named after her grandmother, who died when she was a toddler. She knows everything about her granny; she still has her cuddly toy. She often talks as though she is looking into the past, as though she is bringing an old situation to mind and describing it accurately. In doing so, she is very confident about what she is telling. She does so in an exaggerated “don’t contradict me” manner, using great inflection in her voice, while a tone of reproach rings through. Meanwhile, her mother sits there looking tired, as though she has been through all these battles and heard all of this many times before.
Characteristics of Lamiaceae in this case:
Explosive reactions. Not belonging to the group. Jumping movements, restless, rolling the eyes. She puts her mother to the test and looks to see if she is being caught out. She keeps an eye on her mother to see if there is enough attention, talks with a lot of emotion, and is reproachful in her anger, as though she has been misunderstood. One can see her thinking, the building of the tension in her body, rising up on the chair and raising her voice. She enjoys being able to congratulate herself on being right. She has big eyes and she tries to make contact eye contact. On the other hand, she can be introvert but then her eyes are even more lively.  
Due to the many characteristics and the atmosphere of Lamiaceae in her case,  a remedy was sought within this group. She has been named after her grandmother and has a special bond with her:  when being named after a grandparent plays a great role in a case, it is an additional indication for the remedy Rosmarinus. As we know from our herbal lore: “Rosemary is for remembering.” In homeopathy, it is one of our “forgotten” remedies! It fits in stage 6: “achieving, proving”.
DD Glechoma (no attention), DD Collinsonia canadensis (constipation, haemorrhoids)
Prescription: Rosmarinus 1MK, one dose
After the remedy, it went well for her, especially at school. She was no longer chaotic or panicky, she just went about her work. After a week, she developed a fever and had a stomach ache, as in the past, but then has had no more complaints with her digestion. She now goes to the toilet without the help of laxatives. She plays well and does not have fits of anger or arguments; she has had a lovely vacation. At home, she is much calmer: “a different child”. After a month, she had a rash next to her nose and some dark yellow coating at the base of her tongue. During the following year, she had a short relapse of her behaviour at school and then she was fine. She has had no more abdominal complaints over the last three years.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
unes fulles de romaní; Artico2

Keywords: emotional, restless, explosive reactions, not belonging, no middle ground
Remedies: Rosmarinus officinalis
From Interhomeopathy

sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Moving deeper inside of herself: a case of Pearl. Homeopathy 2016.

by Peter Tumminello
The patient is a 45 year old woman who has two teenage children. She tells about the situation around the death of her father-in-law; her husband’s reaction to the death and his concerns about his mother.
“I am losing myself, losing my feeling of being centered. I realise that I have come a long way and I don’t want to lose my centre. I feel I am losing my soul; I am losing what I am! I start to shut down; it feels like the heart centre and the throat closes down. I don’t want to be around my husband, I don’t know how to deal with this. Do I want to deal with this! I am fearful, running away. I have dreams of being totally alone and homesick for the real home, where you don’t have the limitations of Earth. The homesickness is set off by any simple but special experience, for instance seeing someone’s grief or feeling great pain, and immersing myself in the feeling.”
“I am reminded of a time when I was 14; I was looking forward to a school dance but my ballet teacher wouldn’t let me go because I was required to go to a ballet class. I was denied fun and light-heartedness. I was closing down in order to do the right thing; what I wanted wasn’t important.”
Physical: she complained of a gluggy feeling in her throat, a strong lump in her throat. She has been putting on weight in the last few weeks. She has developed an aversion to vegetables and greens in the last six months, and she desires curries and rice+++, as well as ginger and lemon tea, which helps relieve her indigestion.
Her loss of centre and being true to herself immediately drew me to Pearl as a remedy. This Phosphorus-like sensitivity to another’s feeling world is typical of Pearl. The idea was supported by her feelings of being ‘totally alone.’ The homesickness made me think of Calcium carbonicum and with the spiritual accent, I realised that the higher vibration of the substance of the Pearl was in order. The strong need for security together with the expressed desire to find oneself and be true to it, is an inner conflict typical of Pearl.
Prescription: Pearl immersion 200C for three days.
pearl2After eight weeks, she reports that the feeling of shutting down and losing her centre had disappeared.  Gone, too, are the feeling of homesickness for the ‘real home’ and her physical symptoms. “I am more in touch with the real me, operating from my truth rather than reacting.” In the course of the following two years, she took the remedy several times, as needed, during periods of tiredness or insecurity. During that time, her relationship with her husband and her needs from him changed. “I stopped one morning and thought ‘what do I really want out of this relationship?’ I realised that I didn’t resent the time he spends with his mother; I admire him for taking such good care of her. I realised that my resentment came from a fear that he would leave me, a deep-seated insecurity. It was because he wasn’t meeting all my needs for reassurance, the feeling that I am important to him and him to me.” She is increasingly able to voice her feelings and to speak what is truly inside her, even if that means becoming angry and irritable at times. She became able to draw her boundaries and state her expectations with a family member who had been taking advantage of her goodwill and that of her husband, something she would never have done in the past. This is reminiscent of the “irritation” of the pearl, coming into being as a grain of sand that irritates the oyster. Eventually, she began to help others in need, especially those who were depressed.
Photos: Wikimedia Commons
Pearls being removed from oysters; Keith Pomakis
Pink Akoya pearl; Uwakoya
Keywords: insecurity, fearfulness, homesickness, aloneness, loss of centre
Remedies: Pearl
From Interhomeopathy

sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2016

The land of 'No': a case of Golden topaz. Homeopathy 2016.

by Gerry Dendrinos
topazThe gemstone remedies have become indispensable tools in my clinic. I find that they have a unique role to play helping people integrate seemingly irreconcilable inner states, where they seem to be ‘stuck in time’ around an issue, often related to trauma of some kind. Gems belong to the mineral kingdom and yet, in a case requiring a gem remedy the central issue does not resonate clearly with the themes of the columns and rows of the Periodic Table.
Case: (keywords related to the remedy are italicised)
A twenty year old man came to see me complaining that he was not happy; his life lacked joy. He was deeply depressed and worried a lot. He was not sleeping well and he was moody, experiencing bouts of anger and irritability for no apparent reason. He found it hard to get to sleep; his sleep was disrupted and he woke tired.
His condition had started after he began working full time as an apprentice mechanic. He was by nature very conscientious about his work, steady, and persistent. He said: “I am not motivated to do things I enjoy, such as making things with my hands.” Also contributing to his state was a relationship break-up the previous year, after which he turned to alcohol, and episodes of self-harm. “I feel flat, emotionless; everything is the same day to day. I’m drinking [alcohol] every night of the week. I keep working, which is the only consistent thing in my life. I make money, then I drink it. I feel indifferent; I don’t feel anything; no joy, I don’t look forward to anything; I don’t really care about anything; I feel neutral about life, I’m not concerned about anything good or bad.”
“I want to get motivated again, to find that spark again, and be passionate. I find it hard to open up about anything, I am self-contained. It is like looking out from within myself; all is within me, contained.”
His temperament by nature is melancho-phlegmatic, his body type tall and solid, his skin pale. He used to hate the heat, but now tolerates it (ie. he has cooled down).
Prescription: Golden Topaz 200C (liquid split dose), one dose per day for two days.
Follow-up: For two days after the remedy, he had a mild headache, which resolved. Within the first week, his energy levels improved significantly, he started feeling more enthused, and in a better mood. He started sleeping very solidly and waking less tired. His alcohol intake fell. A few weeks later, he was offered (“out of the blue”) a managerial position, which paid more and better suited his skills and interests. He started enjoying work. His response to Golden Topaz continued to build over the subsequent months, without needing repetition. It was repeated after a slight relapse a year later – in other words, this remedy suited him deeply.
Differential: on the surface Aurum metallicum would seem to be indicated in this case, with its conscientiousness, deep depression, ailments from grief and desire for alcohol. However, the heart of the case centred on a feeling of indifference and despair, a self-contained space (like the buried gem) where there is no feeling – no joy, no sorrow – nothing. By contrast, in Aurum we expect to see at the core of the case issues associated with series 6/ stage 11 of the Periodic Table, which are absent in this case. In Twelve Jewels, Peter Tumminello describes the Golden Topaz state as “The land of ‘No’”, a ‘black inky darkness’, a ‘place of perpetual limbo’, where ‘there are no feelings and no life’; ‘their life seems pointless’, ‘a deeper numb than Opium’, where the person feels isolated, encapsulated, and enclosed. This state can arise out of a deep sense of loss, resulting in a shutting down and separation from the feeling faculty. The opposite positive seed state of Golden Topaz is ‘active, enthusiastic, energised, jovial, love of life’, rejuvenation.
Reference: Tumminello, P. 2002. Twelve Jewels. The Medicine Way.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Topaz: Topaz (Var.: Imperial Topaz); Rob Lavinsky /
Keywords: flat, emotionless, joyless, indifference, despair
Remedies: Golden topaz
From Interhomeopathy

quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2016

Learning from stones: an Amethyst case. Homeopathy 2016

by Enna Stallinga
"You can learn more in forests than in books; trees and stones teach you something that you will never learn from masters.”[1] forest stones

The patient is an eight year old boy with curly blond hair, who is blinking his eyes a lot.
Physical: he was a “cry baby”, even ten minutes of sleep was a lot for him. He suffered from cow milk allergy and eczema in his face from five weeks of age, later on his arms, legs, and belly. He has had two acute bouts of hives as a baby. Ever since birth, he has been over-sensitive to stimuli. He has severe, frequent physical reactions; he is either constipated or has diarrhea. Eczema is either quiet or is infected, with much pus. He has bronchitis, wheezing and crackling, and long bouts of cough. His ears are frequently infected; the infections start suddenly and are severe, with high fevers.
Pregnancy: he was originally one of identical twins but at nine weeks of pregnancy, the other twin died. His mother was afraid of a premature birth. She knew that it would be a difficult time but that it would finally come right. She has a good bond with her son.
Psychological: he attends a special school because of behaviour problems (pdd-nos with AHDH.) He feels insecure with other children and crawls under his mother’s sweater. He cannot answer when asked questions. As a toddler, he could only look at his mother; looking at others is still difficult for him. He has difficulties with change, for instance new clothes. He feels his clothes every day to see if he can put them on; they have to be soft enough for him to wear. Before going on vacation, he lies on the ground, asking “what if we run out of petrol? Is there enough oil in the car?” He needs to be reassured.
Dreams: he tells of one dream after another: he is chased by something with enormous teeth; he is chased by a black car, and then he hides under a table or in an alley, but is afraid that the car will come into the alley. He tells of round music speakers, just like angry faces; of car lights that also look like angry faces. He dreams about a stone cave and a stone monster who eats stones and tries to catch him – he shuts himself in the toilet or hides behind rocks: “I need to have a lot of places to hide!” Everything he speaks of comes from a very deep place. “I don’t dare to sleep, ‘cause then I’m nobody anymore. I imagine that I’m not really here and that I’m not really alive. I just hate it.”
At that moment I think of “stone” and of the themes I have learned from Alize Timmerman about stones. I ask about hobbies and he tells me that he collects everything; he is especially crazy about stones, really special ones. He loves the music of Enya (Irish); it sends him into a trance. He loves flowers; poppies are his favourites.
Character: He is over- sensitive and very expressive, making good use of language and of facial expressions. He is a quick thinker; at home he is something of a show-off,  he loves to be the one talking and he hates to lose. He gives a tremendous amount of love and he talks a lot about death. He is a perfectionist; it can never be good enough for him. He can be ferocious, saying hard, aggressive things to people, yet fearful at the same time: “I’m afraid of water, afraid that I will sink and keep sinking. I’m afraid of lightning, of crowds, of losing control, and of noises.”
Family background: for his father and his paternal grandfather, control is very important. They do not like to be among people, they have an aversion to noises but talk very loudly themselves. His grandfather was six years old when his father died and he was the only one who was sent away by his mother to an orphanage: “unwanted”. 
Generals: difficulty falling asleep (uses melatonine medication), awake after a few hours and gets into bed with his mother. Chilly. Sweats easily. Aversion to beans++, tomatoes, beets, salt. Desires cauliflower, cheese (sauce), bread, sweets.
Locals: cold sores. Nosebleeds with colds. Painful sinuses. Hay fever. Recurrent otitis+++, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma. Frequent urination.
Stone themes: “Into the depths”. Closed in, imprisoned, stuck. Unfeeling, can’t feel their own needs and desires. Under pressure. Heaviness.
Exterior expressions: spaced out, radiant. No boundaries; going over the boundaries of others and allowing others to go over theirs+++. Clarity, intellectually strong, rational. Perfectionism, desiring quality.
Polarities: heaviness – spaced out. Not feeling own needs and desires but helping and supporting others. Hiding – being clear.  Going over boundaries of self and of others – allowing others to go over their boundaries.
Stone themes in this case: dreams of rocks. Collecting stones. Fear of sinking. Perfectionist+++. Clear, verbally strong, quick thinker. Expressive. Need for control+++
Amethyst themes:
Fear of falling asleep. Insecure, unsafe feeling, worse when away from home. Panic. Feeling of overstimulation (no boundaries). Fear of leaving the body (Papaveracea). No boundaries in helping others, very willing to help. Pithy; they don’t avoid confrontation. They keep ploughing on (no boundaries).
Amethyst themes in this case: Fear falling asleep. Leaving the body: in trance, papavers. Fear of disappearing when going to sleep. Safe at home, unsafe away from home. No boundaries, everything comes in.
Amethyst, traditional view: nervous disorders; headaches/migraines; diabetes; lung problems; eye problems; asthma; allergies; sleeping problems.
Proving of Amethyst by Barbara Seideneck
A-methystos means “not drunk”.
Feeling drunk; spaced out feeling; overly sensitive to noise and odours; dreams of caves; dreams of crowded rooms; headaches; female symptoms; tingling and swelling in the extremities; eyes, nose (sinusitis,) throat and stomach; sleep problems. Prover: “I don’t want to look anyone in the eye.”
Prescription: Amethyst 30K
Soon after the first dose, he changes: “Now, I actually like it in my own bed. I don’t have any horrible dreams anymore.” He is more relaxed and less panicky. If at first, there is more nasal mucous and heavy breathing, the eczema improves dramatically.
After one year, he is improving in leaps and bounds; he is clearer in his thinking and his concentration, and is more able to say what he wants. He is much less compulsive, more assertive, and less panicky. Changes are no longer such a big issue. Eye contact is good. Swimming lessons are going very well and he is no longer afraid in the sea. Particularly remarkable is the fact that he has hardly been sick at all this past year; if he gets a snuffle, he bounces back quickly. His skin is soft.
Peter Tumminello seminars in Holland April  2007, April 2009
Alize Timmerman seminar Holland March 2008
Twelve Jewels, Gems in Homeopathy, Peter Tumminello
Colours in Homeopathy, Ulrich Welte, Narayana Verlag
Proving of Amethyst by Barbara Seideneck, Homeopathic Links, Winter 2005
Stones as remedies, Masi group (Holland) SSC 2, 2008
[1] Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 – 1153), abbot and founder of the Cistercian Monastic order.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Amethyst3: Norsk (bokmål): Ametyst Geode; Juppi66
Black Forest, Kandern; Patricia Maché
Keywords: dream of rocks, fear of falling asleep, of sinking, of disappearing, lack of boundaries, perfectionism
Remedies: Amethyst

From Interhomeopathy

terça-feira, 12 de abril de 2016

Caring beyond one's boundaries: an Amethyst case. Homeopathy 2016

by Enna Stallinga
The patient is a 58 year old woman, a sculptress, who comes for lung complaints; she has asthma, sinusitis, and such severe pneumonia a few months ago that she ended up in hospital for two weeks. She suffers from severe tiredness and from general anxiety and panic attacks.
History: she had severe illness in her childhood:  migraines, stomach ulcers – even as a ten year old – and gallstones at 20. As a child, she had bronchitis and eczema. She has also had right-sided facial neuralgia, cystitis, and pyelonephritis. Ten years ago, she had severe pneumonia which nearly killed her; she was unconscious before being admitted to hospital. She did not realise how ill she was and tried to keep going for too long. A few years earlier, she had a burn-out with panic attacks, after supporting her sister intensively. She had gone completely over her boundaries and could not sleep anymore; she was happy to be safely at home again.
Mind: she is quickly over-stimulated; everything comes in. She is a perfectionist and has a great need to be in control. She is enterprising and is very active in the organisation of all sorts of projects and expositions. She is afraid of illness and of death. Ten years ago, when she was so sick, she was very afraid. “You lose all your basic sense of confidence." Fear of small spaces+++, fear in a crowd+, and fear of fainting. She has a fear of accidents and does not dare to drive in the dark; “I have seen so many accidents.” She has a fear of insanity and of suddenly not existing. She is worried, overcautious, and she works too intensely. She suffers from the ‘helper’s syndrome’; “I have such a bond with my students.” She can have bursts of anger.
Youth: as a child, she felt very responsible for her brother. Her father depended emotionally on her; “I held his hand.” He used to phone her, if he was planning to commit suicide, which he never did. When she was eight years old, she knew that she wanted to become a sculptress. When she was eighteen years old, she was thrown out of the family home. “I idealised love, it should be above everything.” At nineteen, she became very depressed and started to hear voices.
Family history: her parents have experienced terrible things during the war. Her mother was rather reckless at that time and did everything for everyone. Her father saw many people die and often narrowly escaped death himself. 
Physical: sometimes, she cannot digest her food, she then vomits and has diarrhea. Her body becomes stiff and cramped, and starts to tremble. She has to go to bed for 24 hours before it passes. Food: aversion to fat food; desire sweet, paprika, bread, cheese. Worse from tomatoes, which give her indigestion, and fruit. Skin: eczema, cracks in her fingers.
The heavy theme of the parents, which influenced her whole youth, is particularly noticeable. As a young child, she had serious physical problems, such as ulcers when she was only 10 years old and gallstones when she was only 20. As an adult, she was also often seriously ill, so ill that she has a life-threatening pneumonia. She disregards her own boundaries to the extent that she does not feel how sick she is. At an emotional level, she is very driven to care for both her family and her students. She is severely limited by her panic.
Stone themes: not able to feel; for instance, not feeling how tired she is. Difficulty creating healthy boundaries; helping others until she is burnt out. Heavy themes; physically and mentally heavy history from her parents. Strong radiating personality. Striving for quality, perfectionism. Helping others; as a child, she helped her father in an extreme manner.
Stone themes in this case: she has largely lost the feeling for her own body (unfeeling), which makes her disregards her personal boundaries to her detriment. She no longer feels her own needs but attempts, even as a child, to fulfil those of the people around her.
Amethyst themes: panic, fear of fainting. Overstimulation < no boundaries,  everything comes in; very involved; better from being safe at home; fear of small spaces, fear in a crowd+++, trembling; migraines; respiratory problems; sleep problems.
Amethyst themes in this case:  fear of fainting, of leaving the body, and of feeling very unsafe when she is not at home; being quickly over-stimulated and allowing everything to come in; being very caring.
Prescription: Amethyst 30K
She has a quite severe aggravation on first taking the remedy; many dreams about death, having to move house, being ill, and travelling. She trembles and old complaints resurface mildly. After that, she is much more balanced and she dares to drive in the dark. She is less anxious in situations that would otherwise have frightened her. Her energy is good, she feels fit the whole day, and is not as ill as she previously was. An enormous improvement, both physically and emotionally, has taken place over the last year and a half, in which she received Amethyst in ascending potencies from 30K to 10MK. Her reaction to Amethyst is remarkable. She feels physically very well and has no more panic attacks. She feels as she is finally “home”.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Amethyst1: Mineraliensammlung des Naturmuseums Senckenberg Amethyst; Eva Kröcher
Keywords: severe illnesses in childhood, lack of boundaries, respiratory problems, sleep problems, migraines, fear of crowd, fear of fainting
Remedies: Amethyst

From Interhomeopathy

segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2016

Fleeing from pain: seven short cases of Opium. Homeopathy 2016.

by Deborah Collins
opium smokingOpium is one of our well-known remedies, generally relating to ailments from shock where the patient is left in a more or less dazed state. The pain, both physical and emotional, has caused the person to dissociate, leaving the body, as it were, in order to avoid the trauma. Physical pain is dulled, as observed in the use of opiates for pain relief, and emotional pain is avoided, as known from the opium dens of the Orient. This, however, leaves the body relatively uninhabited, with the vital force that governs mental and bodily functions less available. Physical functions tend to slow down, constipation and snoring from excessively deep sleep being major indicators for the use of Opium as a remedy. The senses, however, can also be heightened, picking up on barely perceptible signals, as though one is scanning the environment for signs of danger. It is crucial in case-taking, when noticing such signs, to be aware of the possibility of severe trauma in the past, even if it is unknown to the patient. As we shall see in the cases below, giving Opium can cause an underlying situation, with all its pain, to surface in order to be healed. It might be possible that “pain” remedies are then needed, or that previously well-indicated remedies can suddenly be effective, once the person is more available to receive them.
Case 1:
A thirty year old woman was brought by her parents for treatment of narcolepsy. Although she lived on her own, she required their constant care and support since she could lapse into a comatose state at any given moment. Her parents often found her collapsed in a heap at her home, with the shower still running or the gas on. She was unable to lead an independent life or hold down a job; her only participation in life was to play the organ at church on Sundays, when she was well enough. During the initial consultation, she looked as though she was drugged, with drowsy eyes and a flushed, swollen face. Her speech was very slow and she talked with difficulty, saying that everything felt as though it was in slow motion, as in a dream. According to her parents, all her functions were slowed down and she suffered from severe constipation, for which she used laxatives.
Her problem had started twelve years previously. She had caught her leg in barbed wire and the wound had become infected, requiring two minor operations under a whiff of anaesthetics to clear out the infection, as antibiotics had not proved effective enough. Since that time, she had gradually gone downhill to the point where she could no longer look after herself. I gave her repeated doses of Opium, initially a C200 dose once per month, then later 1M once per month. Slowly but surely, she returned to life and function. Seven months later, she was bright and lively, conversing cheerfully and starting to rebel at her parents’ “interference” in her life. She was able to come on her own and at this point I asked her a question that had been puzzling me: “Have you ever had a very severe shock?” It seemed to me that the two fairly minor operations could not have been solely accountable for twelve years of narcolepsy. “Yes. I have never talked about this but years ago I did something really stupid. It was a game that we had with a couple of neighbourhood girls. We used to like getting my neighbour all riled up by teasing his daughter. He was not quite in his right mind and we liked it when he would rant and rage at us; we’d laugh and run away. One day, however, he ran after us through the fields. My friend got caught in barbed wire and she was afraid of him catching her, so she pointed to me as the culprit. He caught me and started to kick me so hard that I really thought I was going to die; you wouldn’t kick a grown cow that hard. He went completely bezerk. I was so ashamed of myself that I never told my parents, knowing that I had brought it on myself.”
It seemed that the operations merely triggered an underlying trauma, a situation where she had though she was going to die.
Case 2:
A thirty-seven year old woman suffered from many problems following an accident she had as a young girl: at seven she had been run over by a truck, crushing her pelvis and causing her to be in a body cast for many months, while in hospital far from her home. On returning home, she became very accident prone, breaking one bone after another. People sometimes commented that she was “not quite there”, even though she was very intelligent. She later suffered from depression, for which she sought psychotherapy. She was found to have a grossly enlarged bladder, which was retaining urine, causing chronic cystitis and kidney malfunction.
Thirty years after the accident, she returned to the site, feeling the need to “call back her soul”, as she put it. She found the exact spot where she had been run over and recalled the events of years before. “I was standing behind the truck, looking at a cat just up the ally. I didn’t hear the truck back up, it hit my head, then it rolled over me and I was under it, looking up at the dirty underside and wondering if it would roll over me again. People came and pulled me out. Everyone was standing around, talking in a panic with each other, but no one talked with me. No one told me I would be alright, told me that I would live.”
Taking Opium has been one of the many things she has done to heal herself from the trauma, which had many layers. Here, we see the need to respond to someone in shock, immediately calling them back to life. Even many years later, Opium can enhance various other treatments by enabling the patient to be more present in the process.
Case 3:
barbed wireA young boy was brought for treatment of severe constipation since several months. Even with the help of laxatives, his bowels barely moved and his few stools were rock-hard. His mother was clear about the cause of the complaint: “It started straight after he had an accident. Our dog got caught in barbed wire. He tried to free him but the dog, crazed with pain and fear, bit him badly. He was taken to hospital and we didn’t even notice until we got there that he had many more bites than we could see; he didn’t even seem to feel the pain. There was a big chunk out of his leg that he hadn’t even noticed, as well as severe bites to his hands. The doctors say that it can’t have anything to do with his constipation but I know that this is the cause.”
Repeated doses of Opium 1M cleared up his constipation and apparently helped to lift a “cloud” that had been hanging over him since the accident. “He was not quite there; he was doing badly at school and not getting along with his friends anymore, wanting to be on his own. Now, we’ve got our boy back!”
Case 4:
A woman in her sixties came for complaints of hypersensitivity, especially to sound. “I can hear everything, even things that other people can’t hear. I even hear the sound of electricity, the sound of the electrical grid. It’s not tinnitus, I know what that is, it’s sounds coming from outside of me that I can’t filter out.” Being a therapist herself, she led me to where she needed to go: “Don’t even bother asking me about my recent divorce or the death of my parents, it has nothing to do with that. Ask me about my dental history.” It turned out that as a child she had been sent with her brother to the dentist and it had been extremely traumatic for her. A tooth had been extracted and she bled profusely, feeling that she was drowning in her own blood but that the dentist was oblivious to her distress. “He later told my mother that he would never treat me again because I made such a fuss; I was completely hysterical with fear. I had to travel home with my brother on the bus and I was still bleeding. It would seem that the shock of that time caused my palate to stop growing properly and for a long time it remained the same size, which required even more dental treatment as the teeth became crowded. It has all been such a drama.”
Here we see the opposite reaction to the well-known lack of reactivity of Opium. Opium provings show both sides of the coin, with references to the acuteness of hearing: “Hears flies crawling on the wall. Hears the sound of distant church bells.”
Opium 1M in repeated doses helped to reduce her extreme sensitivity to sound. Later, Silica, which seemed more constitutional to her but had not helped her in the past, helped to resolve some remaining issues. 
Case 5:
sleeping babyA woman brought in her 11 month old baby, ostensibly for treatment of her tonsils, as she assumed that they must be the cause of the loud snoring of her daughter. “She snores so loudly that she keeps us awake, even when she is asleep in the bedroom far down the hall.” Speaking of sleeping, I noticed that the child was extremely placid, having not opened her eyes at all since being carried in, despite our lively conversation. “She is so calm, such an easy baby. She sleeps 25 hours a day!” This seemed to go farther than merely being an easy baby, so I asked if the girl had experienced any shock or trauma in her young life. “Well, her birth was extremely traumatic, for me as well as for her. It was to be a home birth – I am a midwife and wanted it that way – but it came on so suddenly and I was bleeding profusely before the doctor arrived; I nearly died of blood loss. He grabbed the baby, who was healthy, and put her in a cot that had been warmed with a hot water bottle. He didn’t look at her again until I was stitched up and put on a drip. When he finally checked her, he was mortified: she had been place naked next to a metal hot water bottle, which in the panic no one had thought to remove from her cot. She had third degree burns all down one side but she never gave a peep. She has had so many operations since then, plastic surgery to repair the damage, but it always gets infected and the grafts don’t hold, so she has to go back for more. It’s a vicious circle.”
I gave her a dose of Opium 200 on the spot and warned the mother that her daughter might “wake up” and start to feel the pain. In that case, she was to give Carbo animalis 200C due to the burns. The next morning the mother phoned, saying: “I’m glad you warned me about what might happen. I have never heard my daughter cry, let alone shriek, and now she is bellowing the house down!” Carbo animalis, made from the burnt hide of an animal, helped to ease her pain and to heal her skin, which cleared up into tidy scars without the need for more operations. The snoring stopped after that first night. The little girl was treated some years later with Ferrum Phosphoricum for the tendency to coughs. She had the same colouring (sandy blond), build (squarish) and feisty temperament as her mother, who did well on Ferrum Phosphoricum for chronic fatigue and food allergies. One wonders if treating the mother before her pregnancy might have prevented the near fatal bleeding and disastrous birth.
Case 6:
A girl in her early teens was brought for treatment of a very unsightly birth mark on her leg. There was a large patch of bright red skin, which looked as though it had been burnt, with veins bubbling out from the skin. It was impossible for her to wear tight jeans, as her skin burst and bled due to the pressure of the fabric. It reminded me of the look of the previous patient's burnt skin. Yet, this had been present at birth already and there had been no trauma during the pregnancy. On the indication of a dream she had, about burning to death in a house fire, I decided to treat her as though some burn had occurred. I started with Opium 200C, followed by Carbo animalis 200C in repeated doses, over several months. Slowly but surely, the “burn” healed, leaving clear skin behind. 
Case 7:
A woman in her forties came for treatment of chronic vaginal thrush. She had been treated with Sepia in the past by another homeopath, as that seemed suitable to her type and her complaint, but this had not brought relief. “I am quite reluctant to try homeopathy at all because I am so sensitive. I pick up on everything and have even made it my profession to 'read' people’s state, since I can sense what is going on for them. Homeopathy tends to throw me off balance if it is not exactly right, so I don’t want to take remedies.” This posed quite a problem, so a different approach was required. 
car crash“My problems started 15 years ago, before that I was fine. I was in a huge car accident and was in a coma for eight months. During that time, the thrush started and I have never been free of it since then, no matter what I do.” We went back in time to the accident and her subsequent coma, and she was given Opium 200C. Being so sensitive she was asked to simply hold the vial of Opium in her hand. Her reaction was immediate: “Oomph, I am here!” She made a motion with her hands, as though pulling something from the air downwards, into herself. The change in her eyes was startling: suddenly one could see a clarity, where before there had been a vagueness, and the white that had been showing under her irises was gone. She started, however, to complain of pain, as though she had been beaten. The Opium was put aside and a vial of Arnica 200C was put in her hand, while she moaned and groaned. Hypericum followed, due to the shooting pains she then described, and then Staphysagria, when she told of feeling maltreated in hospital. “I was treated like a thing because I wasn’t present. They would just shove a catheter in me, with no regard for my dignity, and I would be watching it all from the ceiling!” The last remedy was Sepia once again, even though it had done nothing for her in the past. She held this in her hand for a while, then went to the toilet and expelled a large chunk of mucous from her vagina. She was later given Aurum Muriaticum due to severe issues with her mother, which she “took” in the same fashion, holding it in her hand and allowing the energy to do its work. It was the fastest response to homeopathic treatment that I have ever witnessed, and although it was not along the traditional lines, it opened doors for me in treating hypersensitive patients. It showed me the need to be truly homeopathic in our prescriptions, working in the way that best suits patients, at their own tempo, and with their own specific way of taking the remedy.
Photos from Wikimedia
Opium smokers in the East End of London, 1874. From the Illustrated London News,
Barbed wire (rusting after years of hard work); Waugsberg
Fliegergriff (airman-hold); Produnis
Car crash; Thue
Keywords: shock, pain, trauma, constipation, snoring, depression, burns, narcolepsy, hypersensitiviy to sound
Remedies: Aurum muriaticum, Carbo animalis, Hypericum perforatum, Opium, Sepia officinalis, Staphysagria