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Brief Description about the author:
Jan Scholten was born on 23-12-1951 in The Netherlands. After finishing high school he
studied chemistry and philosophy and had much interest in physics, mathematics and
psychology. Later he managed a gallery for modern art. He graduated for his medical
studies in 1983. Then he began to study acupuncture and homoeopathy, which he both
concluded in 1985. Besides these Jan studied many other alternative medical methods,
like orthomolecular medicine, herbalism and Bach remedies. Since 1985 he has a practice
for classical homoeopathy in Utrecht, The Netherlands, where he works together with six
other homoeopaths. Since 1987 he works as a teacher for the SHO, the Dutch
homoeopathic school for doctors. Next to being a writer and a teacher, lecturing
extensively all over the world, he is pioneer in researching new remedies and methods to
apply homoeopathy. In 1993 he has written “Homoeopathy and Minerals”, which was
very well received in the homoeopathic community and was followed by the vast
“Homoeopathy and the Elements” in March 1996.
The subject of his new book is homoeopathy and the elements of the periodic system.
The remedy pictures of almost all the elements of the periodic system are described. The
periodic system is a table of all existing elements, the atoms, from Hydrogen to Radon,
and of the radioactive elements, such as Uranium and Plutonium. The table has rows and
columns in which the elements are grouped. A theory is developed about the use of the
periodic system in homoeopathy. This theory shows that every row and every column has
a specific theme. The seven rows are called series. The first series, the Hydrogen series,
has the theme of coming into being. The second series, the Carbon series, has the theme
of the development of the Ego. The third series, the Silicium series, shows the theme of
relationships. The fourth series, the Iron series, covers the theme of work. The fifth
series, the Silver series, has the theme of creativity. The sixth series, the Gold series,
shows the theme of the king, the leader. Each series shows a development: the theme of
the series is developed in eighteen stages. These stages, the columns, describe a
development: starting a theme, rising, coming to a top, then declining again and in the
end comes the loss.
In this theory every element can be described by the concepts of the series and the stage
the element is in. A total picture is given of the periodic system as a spiral. Every wind of
the spiral is a series or row. And every radiant is a stage or column. The spiral pictures
the expanding consciousness: from the consciousness of the Ego in the beginning to that
of a neighborhood, a village, a city, and a country and in the end the whole universe.
The summary of his thesis is given below for the readers.
Muriaticums are related to mother. Mother is the symbol of nurturing as in the expression
'Mother Earth'. It includes mother in law, stepmother and foster mother also.
Carbonicums are related to father. Father figure or authorities. They are looking for the
meaning and value of life, work dignity etc.
Sulphuricums are related to life partner. Problems relating to partner or loved one. Love,
harmony, beauty, clothes and exaggerated from of perfumes etc. There are two extremes;
one side extremely neat and tidy, polished relating to clothing and the other side is untidy
dirty and disorderly.
Phosphoricums are related to brother, sisters and friends. Problems relating to these
relations are directly related to phosphoricums. With friends one communicates freely
and learns.
Nitricums relate to enjoyment. Desire for enjoyment in life is the theme of nitricums.
Iodatums work very hard, restless and want freedom of movement. They continuously
want to do something and in order to get their daily bread they work very hard.
Let us unite other elements with these to form a group:
Theme: Resentment, rancour and grudge. Ammoniums have a lot of anger. They contain
hydrogen, which have the theme of idealism. They think everything much nice but when
they had been disappointed from society they become resentful.
Ammon Carb: Resentment to father
Ammon Mur: Resentment to mother
Ammon Phos: Resentment to friends, brothers and sisters
Ammon Sulph: Resentment to partner
They have a great sense of duty and responsibility. They are known as the 'Man of his
own words'. They stick to the rules and principles. They work hard to support their
Kali Mur: The duty to be a good mother and take care of the family.
Kali Sulph: The duty to be good to one's partner. They will go through every adversity to
save their married relation.
Kali Phos: They feel obliged to have lot of contacts. The theme is the duty to keep up
their study and circle of friends.
Kali Iod: In Kali Iod the idea is that they have to do their duty to have a right to
existence. They work hard more than is required and so when they retire their problems
start because now they are free and have no work to do.
They stand for firmness solid stable and determination. As iron gates save the house from
intruders like wise they are strong and firm. They have the delusion that others will push
them away. But on the other side there is the element of compulsion and force.
Ferr. Mur: A firm mother, for good care and nurturing they have to be firm and strong.
Ferr. Sulph: Dictatorial partner to maintain their relationship and they wish that the
relation should go according to them
Ferr. Phos: While relating to friends and brothers and sisters they stick firmly to the
relation of friendship and brotherhood. With the idea of study and communication they
force to study and learn.
Ferr Iod: The idea that they have to stand firm to be able to provide for themselves.
They work firmly for long, long hours and would never give up a task.
Fear to lose friends or family is the main theme. They react in two ways
1. Pacifism: Peace, hate, aggression, violence, aversion to quarrels etc.
2. Aggressive: They become violent and aggressive.
Mag Mur: Fear to loose care and attention of the mother.
Mag Carb: It has much to do with self-respect and dignity and self worth. The idea of
aggression is detrimental to their self worth or necessary for self worth.
Mag Sulph: Fear to lose partner. He feels the partner will not love if he gets angry.
Mag Iod: They fight for the existence, and stop all quarrels in order to have the viable
Natrum Lacticum
A silent girl, impulsive little girl.
Girlish nature: They just walk up to any person to talk without thinking.
Impulsive towards girls: walks straight up to them to chat
A single relationship as girl: When they are little this is usually with the mother. They
want to be with their mother all the time & they cannot bear to be separated even for a
single moment. They don't want their mother to shut any door in the house.
Or it may be the case of mother who only wants one special relationship & that is with
her little daughter.
Withdrawn Little girl: Situation may be that they didn't get enough attention as a child
because the parents especially the mother didn't have enough time.
Playing with dolls <milk by, < changing child to bottle feeds from breast.
Natrium Phos
Theme: Communication is forbidden. They walk aroused with the secret, not to talk with
others, carry the heavy burden of their secret. They have even the fear of telephone
because they have to talk and think that they may not reveal the secret. Communication
is, if at all, at very high level, refined and cultured discussion. They have to find solution
to their problems at their own.
Final variations: he is lonely & depressed. He has no brother or friend or brother or
friend had died, he goes his own way.
He may be quite open. Other people come to him for their problems but he never talks
about his grief over the broken relationship, he doesn't talk about any other problem
Natrium Carb
Theme: Graceful withdrawal is a term that can be directly deduced from the group
analysis. He would rather be alone in dignity than feeling denied by others. He holds on
to his dignity in silence. There is no sense in getting angry because no body is taking any
A typical mind rubric is 'Delusion division between himself & others'
A variation of the theme is not having a father or being abandoned by father, ignored by
father as if the father is dead Natrum is abandoned,
Carb is father.
Natrium Sulph
They stand alone in the matters of love or they are not allowed to experience it. They feel
emotionally neglected.
The mind rubrics are 'Estranged from her family' and 'Estranged from his wife'. A lack of
love can also lead to a lack of joy. They feel that joy in life is diminishing & gradually
turn into depression which leads to the thoughts of suicide but their conscience forbids
them to deny their family, their love, they can't make them suffer.
Mind rubric: Loathing life, must restrain herself to prevent doing injury to herself
Natrium Flour
Theme: Many different contacts in order to belong.
They are impulsive in their behavior and in contacts within the glamorous world. They
want to belong & appreciated. They have impulsive sexual relations and are very quick in
making sexual relations. (She goes to bed with him even when has just met him.)
Hidden sex, incest, because of taboo on sex subject. They cannot refuse to sex but they
feel loneliness during coition & may cry afterwards.
Initially they may have sex relationship with one special person but later on goes from
one to another but it aggravates the situation and leads to prostitution.
An abstract from Dr. Scholten’s Explanation of Series and stages according to periodic
table from his book “Homoeopathy & Elements”
Hydrogen Series: Being, Incamation, Unity, Symbiosis, Conception & Unborn
Carbon Series: I “Who I am”, Value, Meaning, Child, Body
Silicum Series: Family, Rotations, Home, Weight, Friends, and Teenagers
Ferrum Series: Talk, Trade, Profession, Village (Small area, everybody to know
everybody), Youth Adulthood
5. Silver Series: Ideas, Art, Spokesman, Region, Country, Province, Voice,
Hearing, Speech- to get ideas across, Hearing- to receive ideas, Middle age
6. Gold Series: Power, Leadership, Country, World, Eyes (the vision of a king)
7. Uranium Series: Invisible, Power, World, Intuition, Magic, Old age
Stage I
Simple doing duty
Impulsive showing your artistry
Impulsive showing your power
Medicines: Hydrogen, Lithium, Natrum, Kali, Rubidium, Caesium
Stage II
Observed in your job, Criticized in your ideas, Powerless leader
Medicines: Beryllium, Magnesium; Calcarea, Strontium, Baryta.
The feeling of being watched Adapting, giving in.
Stage III
Scanning possible jobs, Exploring, creativity, searching a leadership position
Medicines: Boron, Aluminium, Yttrium, and Lanthanum
Trying: They are at the stage where they try all sort of things.
Stage IV
Starting of official work, Starting of creative work, Starting as a manager
Medicines: Titanium, Zirconium, and Hafnium
The official start of the project but in halves i.e. one foot on board and the other
still on the ground.
A definite choice has been made but may have a nervous breakdown before the
start of job.
Stage V
Doubting if you can do your job
Doubting if you can do creative talents
Doubting if you can be a leader
Medicines: Vanadium, Niobium, Tantanium
They really don't have much faith in them. Having too many doubts in their
abilities. They postpone their plans and they may fail at this stage also.
Alternating stage of mind but not changeability to another project.
Stage VI
Taking challenge of job, Taking challenge of art, taking challenge of power
Medicines: Chromium, Molybdenum, and Tungsten
No more hesitation they want to take the bull by horns, they will put everything at
risk. No more delays, no postponement, the project has to be done.
Stage VII
Training in skills Training in creativity
Training in managing
Medicines: Manganum, Technetium, Rhenium
There is still a lot to be learned, they enjoy learning new skills and also like
training other people, they are good teachers. All they need some more training
and some extra skills. They can do their task
Stage VIII
Persevering: forcing work, forcing inspiration, and forcing power
Medicines: Ferrum, Ruthenium, Osmium.
Tendency to force themselves and others, once they have got it into their mind
they tend to get very pushy. There is no more time for learning. There is too much
work to be done ‘Hero’
Stage IX
Last test for skill
Last test for performance, almost the leader
Medicines: Cobaltum, Rhodium, Iridium
Final signature only required. Success is in sight; the crown is within the reach
now. Years of hard work are about to be rewarded. But they have a nervous break
down at last movement.
Stage X
Obvious: Control of task, Performance, Leader
Medicines: Graphites, Silica, Niccolum, Palladium, Platina
They have achieved what they wanted to, they have reached at the top in their
carrier, and they have won.
Balance is their strong point but their success may become their downfall, the
main danger of leading to haughtiness.
All the elements in this stage are hard and unyielding. Diamond and graphites are
the hardest elements on the earth. Platina is difficult to bend.
Stage XI
Preserve, Control
The task, The Art, The power.
Medicines: Cuprum, Argenticum, Aurum
The theme is holding on to which have been achieved, great sense of
They know how to enjoy their success and to appreciate good things; they don’t
suffer from the feeling of suspicion or animosity. But they have to exert
themselves to maintain present situation.
DD Stage X: No effort is needed to hold on to the situation, everything happens
by itself.
Stage XII
Overdoing, repetition: of the routines, of the creatures, of the power
Medicines: Zincum, Cadmium, Mercurius.
Overdoing to maintain whatever they have achieved, they like to repeat the
successful actions of the past. They fail to look deeper into present situation to see
if there have been any changes that require a different approach.
Even they will vote against change in any form.
DD Stage XI: No threat from outside world, only to take care Stage XII Outside
world poses threat is being attacked from all sides.
Stage XIII
Retire to: Old routines, Old arts, Neglecting; Old way of managing
Medicines: Gallium, Iridium, and Thallium
They keep repeating the old Medicines, they keep treading the same worn out,
hollow path, the path has etched itself deep in to the ground. They are stubborn,
thinking they know better than all those new people.
DD Stage XII. In spite of threat from outside world still has the feeling, they
should keep things intact.
Stage XIII. Feeling of powerlessness starts to prevail, they cannot maintain their
position, have to withdraw to the smaller.
Stage XVI
Formal, discarded, Work, Ideas/creations Power (Diplomat)
Medicines: Germanium, Stannum, Plumbum.
They are for, the show but their real role has come to an end, only the outer form
Stage XV
Loss of: Job, Honor, and Leadership
Medicines: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth
The power has gone, they no longer keep up the facade either, everybody knows it
all over, and they are very hurt.
DD Stage XIV: Keeps up the appearance.
Stage XV: It really is all over. Refusal to believe or surrender
Stage XVI
Neglecting, Your work, your power
Medicines: Oxygen, Sulphur, Selenium, Tellurium, Polonium
Bored, indifferent, lazy
They don't have to bother about making an effort; all has been taken away from
All that is left are memories so they make up endless stories about things they
used to do. Those days of glory.
But they still lie in hope, they like parties, look for diversions through music,
dance and alcohol.
DD Stage XV: In process of losing everything.
Stage XVI: Everything is lost nothing is left but memories.
Stage XVII
Letting go off: Work, Culture, Power
Medicines: Fluorine, chlorine Bromium, lodum, Astatium
Letting go is often accompanied by the feeling of pain, disappointment, sadness,
guilt but if they realize the situation the letting go will be painless. The opposite
of letting may be holding on, they simply cannot let go or must not like holding
on when they are about to die.
DD Stage XVI: They can still dream about past
Sage XVII: Even the thoughts of the past to be idealized.
Freedom from work, Performance, Power
Medicines: Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xeron, Radon
They feel free and are without any ties. They don’t have any more
responsibilities; they go in retreat, in a monastery or a sacred place. Meditation,
wrapped in protective covering, in this safe place. They are able to find
DD Stage XVII: He is not really free yet.
Stage XVIII: Total freedom; no more ties: Like Opium, Cannabis Indica.
To understand Jan Scholten's thesis it is hereby recommended that one should go
through his books:
1. Homoeopathy & Minerals
2. Homoeopathy & Elements
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