sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2015

Cannabis Indica case: More capacious, most effective.

Dr. Kumar
In true sense, Cannabis Indica is the remedy that can be used singly in several cases of different types. I have a bitter experience of its use during my long-termed practice that never left me in lurch, I mean, in the position of uncertainty. In fact, this remedy has been used since early age of my practice, through which I acquired so many surprising achievements and so, the remedy Cannabis Indica occupies a specific space in my heart. Here under, I have laid down two different cases; I think they would be enough to attract the notion of our readers and wise practitioners. I would like to invite their comments upon these cases, which have been successfully treated and cured with this precious remedy "Cannabis Indica".
Case no. (1)
A blonde under influence of Nymphomania

Cannabis Indica is prepared extracting from young and fresh leaves and twigs of hemp in the shape of mother tincture. The leaves of hemp are generally used in smoking or swallowing with water for intoxication in India. Its Indian name is Bhang or Ganja that is mostly smoked by Indian saints and Hippies, an exclamatory word that generally used for American visitors, who come to enjoy in India.

According Hindu mythological sayings, Bhang is the favourite edible of Lord Shiva, under influence of that Lord Shiva provides freehand-boons to their devotees. Mythological saying may, whatsoever be, but it is sure that Cannabis Indica is very important remedy for both the sex-groups, male and female, suffering from most of their sexual problems. In my day-to-day practice, I usually come across the patients, who are cured with this remedy. I apply this remedy mostly, on the patients of both the sexes, who have a tendency of excessive sexual desires.

The sexual desire in males is too increased but he can do nothing while accompanying his partner. He feels violent and painful erection due to excessiveness of sexuality, but remains failure to reach the satisfactory end of his commitment due to having a shrunken and relaxed sexual organ. The male sometimes, discharges as early as he embraces his female partner. In contrary, the female strongly pushed by the excess sexual desire can do every possible effort to satisfy herself; however, sometimes she might have to be the subject of hysteric fits due to severity of sexual excessiveness. I am going to describe here a chronic case of Nymphomania, which had been overcome with Cannabis Indica.

Actually, that case belonged to an unmarried blonde of 30, who, during the period of her menstruation, had been reached the lowest degree of immodesty that no one could believe upon her activities, however, she would have trespassed all the limitations of modesty. That blonde used to become so sexually excited during her menstruation period that putting all her modesty aside, could embrace any one of the strangers under influence of severe attacks of nymphomania. Sometimes, she used to laugh loudly and the next moment she began to weep. She used to request the physicians to check her unclosed breasts, which she felt as if those were going to burst out and seemed to be much heavier. Once, while I was examining her, she pulling my hand put it on her breast that was entirely out of her bra then she requested me for check-up against its unwanted and unshaped growth.

When she was brought first time to my clinic by her mother, she told me nothing about her problems but next time she came with her younger sister then she narrated all about her troubles, under which she was passing on. According to her, she had been habitual of masturbation especially during her menses time as well just before and after the period. She was a chronic patient of nymphomania, since her first menstruation started. I was sure that the case was certainly indicating towards Cannabis Indica, therefore, I administered ten drops of its mother tincture dropping into half a cup of water and instructed her to drink. Her guardians were called and they were instructed also to adopt a proper way of my treatment. After they agreed, I arranged the very remedy to be taken 10-15 drops at a time 4 to 5 times a day.

When she returned to my clinic after a fortnight, I noticed a surprising satisfaction on the faces of her parents, who told me that her menses period just had been passed but she remained quiet and moderate a lot. Thus, she took maximum six months to recover. Afterwards, her parents were suggested to get her daughter married on which they agreed and she got herself married soon. Thence, she was never noticed in nymphomaniac state, in which she had been suffered a long. Ultimately, she got rid of her wretched ailment named Nymphomania’. Cannabis Indica proved, of course, a boon to the rest of her life.