sábado, 19 de setembro de 2015

Case: Autism

Dr C H Asrani
Dr Sree Kumar
First Dr CH Asrani gives a glimpse into Autism, enabling us to understand the Homoeopathic case better.

What is Autism?
is a severely incapacitating lifelong developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. Autism significantly affects verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction. It adversely affects educational performance of the child. It occurs in approximately fifteen out of every 10,000 births and is four times more common in boys than girls.
The symptoms are caused by physical disorders of the brain. They include:
  1. Delay/disturbances in the rate of appearance of physical, social and language skills.
  2. Abnormal responses to sensations. Any one or combinations of senses or responses are affected: sight, hearing, touch, pain, balance, smell, taste and the way a child holds his body.
  3. Speech and language are absent or delayed while specific thinking capabilities might be present.
  4. Abnormal ways of relating to people, objects and events.
How does it occur?Autism occurs by itself or in association with other disorders which affect the function of the brain such as viral infections, metabolic disturbances and epilepsy. It is important to distinguish autism from retardation or mental disorders, since diagnostic confusion may result in referral to inappropriate and ineffective treatment techniques. The severe form of the syndrome may include extreme self-injuries, repetitive, highly unusual and aggressive behavior. Special educational programs using behavioral methods have proven to be the most helpful treatment.
AUTISM IS TREATABLE-Early diagnosis and intervention are vital to the future development of the child.

The CASE by Dr Shree Kumar
Allen’s mile stones were normal till MMR vaccine was given. Then he became Hyperactive, Obstinate, Destructive, pulls others’ hair.

He developed speech after he took Homoeopathic treatment from a local doctor. Able to talk few words only like "TV illa". If he is offered toffee says "pottichu tha", etc., but during the treatment he developed febrile convulsions and they stopped the treatment.
He has not achieved control of urine and stool. He has strabismus also.

Antenatal History of Mother:
She was not properly cared for by her husband. He was away at Balaghat. His lack of affection had affected her during pregnancy.

Family History
-Maternal uncle has DM
Food preferences - Recent desire for sweets.
Aversion - Sour food, eggs cause diarrhoea.
Sleep - Prefers to lie on left side.

Rubrics Considered
  1. Generals - food and drinks - aversion: sour foods1, acids1
  2. Generals - food and drinks -desire sweets2
  3. Generals - food and drinks - eggs1, Agg
  4. Generals - < vaccination1, after
  5. Sleep - position - side; on - left side1
  6. Mind - ailments from - love; disappointed 2
  7. Mind - obstinate, headstrong, children 2
  8. Mind - destructiveness 2
  9. Mind - pulling - hair, desire to pull someone’s hair1
  10. Mind - concentration difficult 2
  11. Mind - restlessness, children in 3
  12. Generals - development arrested 3
  13. Eye - strabismus 2
    Medicine emerged from Repertorisation -Tuberculinum
Prescription on 8-4-2002
200-1 dose
Swelling left eye lid. Restlessness decreased a bit. Placebo.
Developed fever. Placebo.
Calls ‘amma’ ( mother); calls his grandfather ‘appachan’, grandmother ‘mummyammachy’ and his father ‘shajichan’. Watches T.V. programmes. Says ‘yes’ and ‘boova’ to indicate that he wants to urinate. Placebo.
Wears chappals on his own. says ‘kalu mutti’ (leg has hit against something) if his knees strike against anything. Placebo.
Severe cough not amenable to placebo. Tub 200-1 dose.
Fever; he cried the whole night when his grand father was away. Placebo.
Vocabulary improved a lot. Says ‘enna meena’ (which fish it is?) to the fish vendor.
Says ‘chechi tuition poyittu vanno’ (has chechi come from tuition?).
Identifies the emblem of kitex, a lungi. Dances to the sequence of hindi film songs.
Says ‘enikku visakkunnilla’ (I am not hungry). ‘enikku muttayi’ (I need toffee); has joined a school. Placebo
Makes sensible sentences. Imitates the talk in class.
11-9-2002 Placebo
Says abcde
5-11-2002 Placebo
Wrote a, b till f; Started to talk almost like a normal child.
28-1-2003 Placebo
Chants A to Z.
11-2-2003 Placebo
Said 1,2,3, upto 100.
9-6-03 Placebo
Writes ‘ra’ of Malayalam alphabet.
1-8-2003 Placebo
Is very attentive at school. Slowly trying to write more alphabets.
In the terminal exams held in the first week of September he scored 20/25 in English , 10/25 in mathematics, & 6/25 in Malayalam.
He continues to improve in studies. We are expecting him to do more in the next terminal exams.