sábado, 19 de setembro de 2015

Case: How Punctual is Arsenic ?!!

Dr Sangeeta J Devalia
'Tub-b / Ars-alb / All-c / Blatta
Abstract: An perfectionistic type-asthmatic, 62 yrs old who is also very punctual and has tremendous anxiety about his health, was treated for his asthma giving weightage to his mentals.
62 yr old, Mr K T having his own Garment Business, consulted me for Breathlessness. since 10-12 yrs. He needs to take a Bronchodilator, everyday at night. Cough with expectoration; whitish and watery, brought on by cold drinks², strong odours² pollutions², perfumes², < after eating, talking², laughing², < night 2-3am², lying down, >sitting.
Patient As a Person
Stocky with anxiety writ large on his face.
Appetite: Normal.
Thirst: Warm water only
Desires: Not specific
Aversion: Not specific
Perspiration: Scanty non-offensive, non-staining.
Thermal: Cannot tolerate extreme of temp. AMBITHERMAL.
P/H: Operated for Lt inguinal hernia. Also Lt Renal colic passed stone by Hydrotherapy.v F/H: Mo expired due to TB.
Sleep: Sound
On Examination: RS Exam: Wheezing in both the lungs ++.
Mental Picture: Very much anxious about his health3. Had too many questions about his health. Very particular about his work and becomes restless and anxious if there is delay in his work. Anxious if someone falls sick at home. Wants everything systematic and in working order, even people! Punctual about his time. Very much optimistic about his work. Gets angry if someone does any wrong things, and scolds them bitterly.
Observation: Throughout the duration of his treatment with us, he always came on time and also on the appointed day.
Repertorial Totality: From Complete repertory.
Respiration: Asthmatic; Midnight after
In old people
Laughing agg
Dust from inhalation
Cold air agg
Cold from taking agg
Cough: Expectoration: colour: white
Mind: Anxiety about health
Anxiety Family about his
Remedies: Arsenic, Pulsatilla, Nux-vom, Sulph, Phosphorus.
Remedy Selected
Antimiasmatic: Tuberculinum
Constitutional: Arsenic-alb.
Date Symptoms Treatment
8/10/03   Ars-alb 200 1 Dose SL TDS
12/10/03 Severe breathlessness, <walking2. Couldn't speak anything. Wheezing +++ Blatta-orientalis MT
10 drops 2 hrly for a day
20/10/03 >>No breathlessness. Wheezing + occasional. Uses bronchodilators. Ars-alb 200 1 Dose /wk
20/11/03 >> No bronchodilators. Ars-alb 1M 1 Dose
20/12/03 Coryza, watery discharge. Feverish. Irritation in throat; chilly. All-cepa 200 3 Dose
SL tds
15/1/04 >> RS: Clear. Antimiasmatic. Tub-b 1M 1 Dose
15/3/04 No Complaints. SL TDS