sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2015

Cyrus Boger, um gigante da homeopatia, pouco conhecido entre nós. Repertório e matéria médica no roda-pé.

Dr. Cyrus Maxwell Boger


Cyrus Boger Dr. C. M. Boger graduated from the Philadelphia College of Medicine.
He later studied at the Hahnemann Homoeopathic Medical College in Philadelphia, from which he graduated. During his long career in medical practice and research, Dr. Boger contributed important scientific textbooks, in addition to his authorship of a number of articles for medical journals.

His authorship of several scientific textbooks, his analysis and construction of a Repertory, his lively translation of several medical books from notable German authors and his indefatigable labour for the production of original works, like The Times of the Remedies and Moon Phases and his Provings of Samarskite made him universally recognized as an author and physician of great eminence.

Books by Cyrus Boger:

  • Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica
    Contains a short repertory and a summary of 323 remedies, complete with region of affinity, modalities, and specific symptoms, all graded as to degree.
  • Study of Materia Medica and Case Taking
    Two essays that display Boger's uncommon knowledge of homeopathic science, that came from deep study and comprehension of its philosophy and materia medica.
  • Studies in the Philosophy of Healing
    More teachings displaying Boger's rare acumen as a successful prescriber.
  • Boenninghausen's Characteristics Materia Medica
    This Materia Medica was originally published in 1905 and was reprinted and enlarged with Boger's notes in 1937. It deals with the characteristics of the remedies according to the standard schema of Locations.
  • Boenninghausen's Characteristics MM and Repertory
    Originally published in 1905, this title was reprinted and enlarged with Boger's notes in 1937. Also included are additions from Carroll Dunham's personal copy. Boger's translation of the original German rubrics into English is considered to be more accurate than that of Allen. In addition, there is an excellent and exhaustive Index enabling one to readily locate symptoms.

Clique para ver os vídeos! A Dra. Maria Clara R. Hillmann, proprietária da farmácia Milligramm, no coração da Lagoa da Conceição, aqui em florianópolis, gentilmente nos permitiu gravar alguns exemplos rápidos de manipulação homeopática. A farmacêutica ressalva que o objetivo destes vídeos "é explicar como os remédios homeopáticos são manipulados, e não incentivar sua manipulação em casa." Cabe registrar que, por motivos óbvios, as gravações foram feitas fora do laboratório propriamente dito.