sábado, 19 de setembro de 2015

Six cases of cancer: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio.

Balakrishnan E.
` Crot-h / Kali-c / Canth / Kreos / Chel / Card / Choles / Hydr / Thuj / Nit-ac / Phos / Carb-an.
Out of the gloom, a voice said:
"Smile and be happy,
Things could be worse".
So, I smiled and was happy,
And behold
things did get worse!
These lines on the walls of Shanti Avedna Ashram at Bandra effectively capture the emotions of those awaiting death - especially the terminally ill cancer patients (Times of India).
Founded around 1987, the Ashram, Indias first hospice, is doing yeoman service to these so-called incurables who are terminally ill and pronounced (by Orthodox medicine) beyond active treatment.
Morphine is the drug of choice to relieve the agonizing pain of these dying patients and is being given as often as needed. Palliative care is part of the cancer control programme; and for the palliation of pain and suffering, nothing but Morphine!
The Verdict of the Orthodox School!
Set against this, we should not forget that there does exist another scientific medical system which has something to offer to ailing humanity to alleviate their suffering. Homoeopathic system of medicine can do a lot in this field.
We do not close our eyes to the immense possibilities of what present-day sophisticated surgery can do in Cancer treatment. Surgical treatment to the extent possible is welcome, wherever it can help. It has been observed that even after major surgery, if Homoeopathic treatment is resorted to immediately and for long periods, the cancerous cachexia could well be fought by constitutional treatment and prolonged peaceful living could be ensured for the patient.
The cases cited below are mostly terminal cases who had taken Homoeopathic treatment, which helped them, relieving their agony and sufferings so that they could live peacefully for un-predictably long periods.
Six cases reported here throw light on the value of Homoeopathic treatment in such situations.
CASE 1: Case of Cancer of the Urinary Bladder
A confirmed case of carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder in a male, aged 59, could do without surgery. The complaints of burning pain, bleeding while urinating; difficulty in voiding urine were relieved completely by a few doses of Crotalus-hor 200 and subsequently Crot-hor 1000 - 2-3 doses at long intervals. The patient is now about 68 and still active.
Phataks Rep Pg 33
Bladder - Cancer - only drug: Crot-hor
CASE 2: Throat Cancer
In a terminal case of throat cancer, when discharged from the hospital, the verdict was, "Days numbered" Morphine to be given as needed to relieve the excruciating pain.
Treatment-Kali-carb (few doses of 200 and 1M)
The indicated remedy gave good relief for all complaints and helped the patient to lead a peaceful, purposeful life for more than one year.
Cold aggr - KR 1348 KALI-CARB (3)
Aggr swallowing (even Saliva) - KR 468 Kali-carb (2)
Aggr 2 to 4 am (of pain) - KR 1343 KALI-CARB (3)
Aggr. Discharges - Phatak Rep Pg 87 Kali-carb (2)
(Pain worse on urinating).
CASE 3: Case of Carcinoma Cervix
Patient: Lady-widow, aged 71 years, discharged from Tata Memorial Hospital in april 1991 after being treated with Radium Therapy for Carcinoma Cervix - II-B (ulcerative growth over cervix involving all the fornix and mostly anterior lip - MD Infiltration Epi - CA).
The radio-therapy did not suit her and the complaints aggravated. Even the general health deteriorated to such an extent that she was totally bed-ridden with agonising burning pains in the uterus and urethra, with acrid discharge from vagina.
Other than radium therapy, no other specific treatment could be offered at the hospital. Antibiotics and other medicines did not relieve the suffering.
She was placed on Homoeopathic treatment at this time with X-Ray 1000 - 2 doses given initially to offset the effects of Radium Therapy. Cantharis 1000 - 2 doses daily for 3 days relieved her of the burning pains in urethra.
Subsequently she was given Kreos 1000 - 2 doses (12 hours apart) every week for 3 weeks. This brought in a remarkable improvement; the discharge from the vagina almost stopped, so did the burning and swelling at the site. Hydrastis ! Liquid 20 gtt. in water twice in a day was also given regularly to fight the Cancerous cachexia.
The patient improved in general health and is now completing almost four years with near normal health. Kreos 10 M is continued at long intervals.
If any acute health problem crops up, it is set right by the indicated remedy, keeping in view the chronic miasmatic background.
Cancer of Cervix - Uterus : K 7151 Kreos (3), Hydr (3)
CASE 4: Case of Cholangio Carcinoma
Male, aged 64 years, was suffering from progressively increasing Jaundice for more than a month. He was diagnosed to have common bile duct obstruction and proximal dilatation.
Laprotomy was done on 9-12-93 at Kowai Medical Centre. A dense, infiltrating growth from the common bile duct was found to be infiltrating the bile duct, the portal vein and the porta hepatitis. There were lymph nodes on both sides of the stomach.
A liver split and segment II duct drainage was done by anastomosing the intrahepatic duct to a Roux-en-Y Loop of Jejunum.
After the surgical operation, as a part of chemotherapy, five injections within a period of five weeks were given after which the patient was advised complete rest and symptomatic treatment for any ailment he gets, as chemotherapy could not be carried on further, the liver condition being unfavourable.
As the patient was declining in general health rapidly, he came in for Homoeopathic treatment during February, 1994. His condition at the time was serious.
Bed-ridden, deeply icteric, with complete loss of appetite, irresistible itching of the whole body, nausea with frequent vomiting of bile, sleeplessness, tenderness of the liver with severe pain on palpation, constipation with hard stools, and a dropsical condition of the entire abdomen and lower extremities.
Chel 200 few doses for 2 weeks and Cardus-mar 20 gtt in water thrice daily brought in remarkable all-round improvement.
Later, the patient was regularly placed on Cholesterinum 3X Tab thrice daily and Hydrastis Q 20 gtt in water twice daily.
Further as and when any particular symptom developed, the indicated remedy was given to meet the acute problems.
Within 2 months, the patient improved so well that he could lead a near normal life, with restrictions on diet, though the jaundice was not (and we know - it cannot be) cured completely.
Investigative results of the liver profile, on various occasions, during the course of treatment indicate the progress of the case:
Date Bilirubin Bilirubin ESR SGOT SGPT Alk PO4
Total Direct
26-02-94 4.80 1.41 131 61.88 44.50 1052.62
09-07-94 3.05 0.83 - - - 862.73
12-90-94 4.54 1.14 89 - - 717.00
08-10-94 1.96 0.59 87 38.55 41.06 584.79
13-01-95 2.93 0.86 98 90.40 66.20 129.00
However, the patient passed away peacefully during February, 1995 due to sudden respiratory arrest.
Liver Cancer - Phatak Rep, Pg 217 Chel, Cholest, Hydrastis
Liver Region - KR 553 Chel (3), Card-m (3)
Abdomen, dropsy - KR 546 Chel (2), Card-m (2)
CASE 5: Villous Adeno carcinoma of the Rectum
Patient: Lady, aged 74 years.
A massive cauliflower growth (malignant) was protruding from the anal verge for which the patient underwent surgery, an abdomino-pereneal resection and colostomy was performed in October, 1991. Post-operation period uneventful.
After this major surgery, the patient began taking Homoeopathic treatment till date, for her various other ailments. Thuja and Nitric acid helped her in overcoming the Cancerous cachexia as well.
Cancer Rectum - KR 606 Nit-ac (2)
Cauliflower excrescences - KR 606 Thuja (2)
CASE 6: Carcinoma of Breast
Patient: Lady, age - 64 years; one breast was removed during December, 1986 and was being treated for carcinoma of the breast and subsequent disseminated lesions in Pleura and Parenchyma with chemo-therapy for about two years.
During December, 1989, the patient developed severe paroxysms of hacking cough with breathlessness, anorexia, rapid weight loss and unaccountable weakness. Patient was hospitalised and investigations revealed multiple liver space occupying lesions likely to be metastasis. Bilateral hydronephrosis probably secondary to pelvic lymph nodes. Bilateral pleural effusion.
X-Ray Chest PA view indicated Bilateral pleural effusion. Post Radiation changes also seen on both sides.
Histopathology of Pleural fluid - Positive for malignant cells. Scattered against a haemorrhagic background were a fair number of lymphocytes along with mesothelial cells.
Fluid from the pleural cavity aspirated and removed and the patient placed on diuretics, antibiotics and other active measures of treatment.
But the down-the-hill process could not be arrested despite the best of active treatment. At this stage, a change in the system of treatment was thought of and the patient was placed on Homoeopathic treatment Phos 30 4 doses given (Daily two doses) based on the following acute symptoms -
  1. Dry hacking cough
  2. Worse lying on left side
  3. Unquenchable thirst for cold water
  4. Complete loss of appetite
  5. Inflammation of Pleura causing effusion.
Cough relieved within two days and a general all round improvement noticed.
Phos 200 given after a few days which improved the general condition of the patient.
Subsequently, Carbo-animalis in graduated doses helped the patient in toning up the health by removing the Cancerous cachexia.
Patient lived a near normal life for about two years.
Inflammation, Pleura - KR 836 Phos (2), Carbo-an (3)
Cancerous affections - KR 1346 Phos (3), Carbo-an (3).