Some Cases of Cancer Cured with
Rajneesh Kumar Sharma
Homoeo Cure and Research Centre P. Ltd.
NH 74- Moradabad Road, Kashipur
Uttaranchal – Pin 244713
Ph. 09897618594
Name: Mr. Abrar Ali Sex/Age: M 50 yrs
Religion: Muslim Marital status: Married
Occupation: Agriculture Residence: Bareilly
History of Presenting Illness
The patient presented the history of hoarseness of voice for about
three months which was progressive. It was worse in morning and better
with sip of hot water. He can not be alone because he develops more
complaints due to cares and tensions. He feels anxiety while alone. He
does not want to take a bathe and lies down in bed with innumerous ideas
in night. He can not eat apples which make him flatulence. He desires
cold food but warm water.
Past History
On further enquiry, it was found that he had recently got a business loss. He has been in great worry for that.
Family History
Not marked.
Patient as a Person
Appearance Lean
Skin Clean, normal complexion
Appetite Good
Cravings Cold Food
Aversion Apples
Thirst Good for warm water.
Thermally Ambithermic
Emotional State Sad, anxious
Temperature Subnormal
Pulse 68 /Min.
Respiratory rate 15 /Min.
Blood pressure 122/78 mm Hg
Weight 53 kg
Systemic examination
Respiratory system Voice Hoarse, Progressive,
< AM, > sip of warm water.
Cardiovascular system S 1- S2 Normally Heard, no
Local examination Small Swelling in right side
of neck
FNAC Cervical Lymphnode Metastatic Adenocarcinoma
Dtd. 09-10-2005
CECT Neck, Thorax, Partial Obliteration of the
Abdomen and Pelvis Pyriform Sinus on left side
Dtd. 19-10-2005 and a few bilateral enlarged
cervical lymph nodes.
Provisional Diagnosis
Carcinoma Pyriform Sinus Left
Constitutional Totality
Mentals Ailments from business failure and cares, worries
Desire for company when alone.
Anxiety when alone.
Aversion to bathe.
Abundant ideas at night.
Desires Cold Food
Warm water
Aversion Apples
Food Aggravation Apples
Physical Generals Lean body
Cancerous affection of advanced stage.
Acute Totality
Deglutition difficult. Pain of burning nature at epigastrium off and on.
Miasmatic Totality
Fundamental miasm Syphilis
Dominant miasm Psora++
(Metastasis, Aversion to bath, Food aggravation etc.)
(Tissue Destruction)
(Lymphadenopathy, Inflammatory Changes etc.)
General Management
Good personal hygiene, highly nourishing diet and bed rest.
Specific Management
Strict control on any other medication.
Case Analysis
Abrar Ali M 52 14571 / Cancer Pyriform Sinus Left
Prominence - Prominence - Intensity is considered
S. No. Intensity Rubrics Remedies
1 3 MIND - AILMENTS FROM - business failure 17
2 3 MIND - AILMENTS FROM - cares, worries 25
3 2 MIND - COMPANY - desire for - alone agg.; when 87
4 1 MIND - IDEAS - abundant - night 29
5 1 MIND - ANXIETY - alone; when 32
6 1 MIND - BATHING - aversion to bathe 9
7 1 GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - cold food - desire 82
8 2 GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - warm drinks - amel. - hot 15
9 3 GENERALS - CANCEROUS affections 177
10 2 GENERALS - CANCEROUS affections - advanced stage 32
14 1 GENERALS - LEAN people 122
15 1 GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - apples - agg. 30
16 1 GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - apples - aversion 5
17 1 LARYNX AND TRACHEA - VOICE - hoarseness - morning 61
18 1 LARYNX AND TRACHEA - VOICE - hoarseness - warm - drinks - amel. 1
phos. ars. lyc. nux-v. sulph. ph-ac. caust. arg-n. nit-ac. calc.
2614 2479 2405 2135 2079 2035 2014 2005 1960 1950
1 - - - 1 1 1 - - - 1
2 2 1 1 3 - 2 2 1 1 2
3 3 3 2 - - 1 1 2 1 1
4 - - 2 2 1 - - - - 2
5 3 3 - - - - 1 2 1 -
6 - - - - 1 - - - - -
7 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - 1
8 - 1 1 1 - - - - - -
9 3 3 3 - 2 1 1 1 3 2
10 1 - - - - - - - - -
11 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 -
12 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 3 2
13 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 2
14 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 -
15 1 1 1 - 1 - - 1 - -
16 - - - - - - - - - -
17 3 1 1 1 3 - 3 - 2 3
18 - - - - - - - - - -
First Prescription
Date Phosphorus 200 stat
05-11-2005 Sac Lac TDS
Criteria General symptoms matched.
Mental and Physicals similar.
Second Prescription
Comment Marked improvement
Date Sac Lac TDS
Criteria Pain with burning sensation in stomach > Hot Tea ignored.
Third Prescription
Comment Marked improvement
Date Arsenicum album 0/30 TDS
23-11-2005 Sac Lac TDS
Criteria Burning pain of stomach more severe. Otherwise better in general.
Fourth Prescription
Comment Almost Asymptomatic. No
More symptoms to discuss.
Date Sac Lac TDS
Criteria Burning pain of stomach more severe. Otherwise better in general.
Fifth Prescription
Comment Pain during deglutition either solids or liquids. No pain while not swallowing. Otherwise better in general.
Date Arsenicum album 200 Stat.
11-04-2006 Sac Lac TDS
Criteria Reappearance of burning pains in stomach.
Sixth Prescription
Comment Glandular swelling in left side of throat.
Date Arsenicum album 200 Stat.
02-05-2006 Sac Lac TDS
Criteria No pain or more symptoms.
Adv. CECT Neck.
Seventh Prescription
Comment CECT of Neck region done at AIIMS on 04-05-2006 Report- wall
thickening seen in Posterior aspect of Left Pyriform Sinus. No Cervical
Adenopathy seen.
Date Phosphorus 1 M Stat
07-05-2006 Sac Lac TDS
Criteria Abundance of thoughts at night Reappeared. Aversion to be alone marked.
Eighth Prescription
Comment Much better.
Date Arsenicum album 200 Stat.
12-06-2006 Sac Lac TDS
Criteria Pain at epigastrium > tea reappeared.
Ninth Prescription
Comment Anxiety about personal heath.
Lest some traces of cancer might be there.
Date Sac Lac TDS
Criteria No pain or more symptoms.
Adv. CECT Neck.
Tenth Prescription
Comment Much Better. CECT of Neck region done at AIIMS on 11-08-2006
Report- Normal Scan. Comparison with previous scan on 04-05-2006- The
soft tissue thickness in Left Pyriform Sinus has resolved.
Date No Medicine
Criteria Cured
Anatomical and Pathological Discussion
A small piriform fossa on each side of the inlet of laryngeal part of
oesophagus, is bounded medially by the aryepiglottic fold and laterally
by the thyroid cartilage and thyrohyoid membrane. Beneath its mucous
membrane are the branches of the internal laryngeal nerve which have
pierced the thyrohyoid membrane. Foreign bodies may lodge in the fossa
and, if the mucous membrane is pierced during their removal, the nerve
may be damaged, with consequent anaesthesia of the region. Posteriorly
the laryngopharynx extends from the lower part of the third cervical
vertebral body to the upper part of the sixth.
Diagrammatic representation of the respiratory tract.
A malignant neoplasm of epithelial cells in glandular or glandlike pattern. Syn: glandular cancer, glandular carcinoma.