Dr. Pawan S. Chandak BHMS ‘Shradha’ Vishnu Nagar, Basmat Road, Parbhani 431401, Maharashtra Email: ashachandak498@gmail.com Website: www.modernhomoeopathy.com Tel: +91-2452-222261, Cell: +91-9422924861 Fax: +91-2452-222261 |
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak is a clinician and social worker, dedicated for the propagation of Homoeopathic Community. He is graduated from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Nashik. He had authoured a book ‘Gems of Modern Homoeopathy’ and he swear as National Secretary of Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association. His articles had been published in many Journals and he is a managing edition of an educational. website www.modernhomoeopathy.com
A five years old female girl presented cystic swelling and fungating growth in and around the right upper eye lid. The right eye was closed and covered with the growth. The left eye, naso labial fold and corners of the mouth also presented few papules.
The lesions were infected, painful, itching, discharging blood sticky secretion. Few lesions were matted together, discharge was highly offensive and excoriating. The regional lymph nodes upper cervical area was swollen. The child is greatly debilitated as she is unable to eat food on account of pain. Complaints < night.
The child had itching all over the body. She is trembling and shivery, sensitive and emotional.
Past History
She had recurrent attacks of cold and cough. She had been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis under modern medicine for six months.
Refer Plate I
Family History
Her parents passed away following HIV and she is under the Care centre for HIV patients. The child also has shown positive study for Serological examination. Refer Plate II and Plate III
Physical Generals
Appetite : Loss of appetite
Thirst : Less
Sweat : On forehead.
Stool : Regular, two times, watery
Urine : Burning micturation
Thermal : Chilly
Sleep : Disturbed due to pain
Mental Generals
Mild, Yielding, frightened easily
General Examination
Weight: 10 kgs
Pulse: 100/min
Abdomen: distended.
Chest: looks emaciated. With emaciation of lower limbs also.
Totality of Symptoms
Molluscum Contagiosum
Cauliflower like growth in and around the right upper eye lid
The lesions were infected, painful, itching, discharging blood sticky secretion
The discharge was highly offensive and excoriating
Complaints and pain < night, night aggravations
Chilly patient
Cervical lymph node swollen
Loss of appetite
Frightens easily
No weakness in anything
Weakness and debilitated
Trembling and shivering
First Prescription: 8/05/2009
Nitric acid 200 3 pill tds on empty stomach
Placebo for 15 days
Follow Up 1 24/05/2009
Appetite good
The lesions started discharging around both eyes
Left eyes slightly opened
Eruption started breaking up and oozing
Improvement in general
Nitric acid 200 3 pill tds on empty stomach
Placebo for 15 days
Follow Up 2 08/06/2009
Infected molluscum on face are bursting and decreasing in size
Eruption is drying up
Swelling around both eyes comparatively decreased
Now right eye slightly opened and left eye fully opened
Nitric acid 200 3 pill tds on empty stomach
Placebo for 15 days
Follow Up 3 25/06/09
Molluscum below and around eyes decreased
No swelling, no pain in eyes, no discharge
Appetite: improved, both eyes are opened now.
Patient can see properly from both eyes.
Swelling of cervical lymph node decreased.
Nitric acid 200 3 pill tds on empty stomach
Placebo for 15 days
The patient is on treatment for further HIV studies.
Before After Before After
The drug selected is based on totality and prescribed on sycotic, syphilitic plethora has benefited the patient.
Since the outward manifestations are better the deep seated miasmatic tendency expressed as AIDS also expected to give positive serological study. The treatment is on with way of hopes.