sábado, 3 de outubro de 2015

Double duplo 1 Top Homeopathic Medicines for Fever 2 Exercise 12 Tabacum (tab.)

 Top Homeopathic Medicines for Fever
homeopathic remedies for fever
Homeopathic Remedies for Fever
Feeling feverish is a seasonal reality that confronts almost everyone. Popping in a pill and hoping it improves your condition as you go about your business is a reality too. But here’s the catch: the over-the-counter pill might bring down the temperature, but the infection will still remain in the body. Here’s where the role of homeopathic treatment for fever comes into play, as the homeopathic remedies are made of natural substances, offer a different course of medical approach: these natural medicines target the infection, so the root cause is eliminated.
Fever is a rise in body temperature above normal. Fever in itself is not a disease but is only an external signal that denotes an internal infection or inflammation in the body. There is no specific medicine in Homeopathy to bring down the temperature, but the natural Homeopathic remedies instead target the infection. This is because temperature is the only index through which the progress of the infection inside the body is reflected out. The rise of temperature is directly proportional to the extent of infection. An increase in temperature indicates further spread of infection while a decrease in temperature shows that the infection is fading away. If the body temperature is rashly brought down without halting the infection process, there is no way to find out what is going on inside the body and to what degree the infection is still present in the body. So, the end result is that the fever no doubt is gone, but the root cause of it — the infection — is still there. Natural Homeopathic medicines act by putting a check on the infection itself, preventing its further progress and the temperature thus is automatically brought down gradually as the infection declines. The Homeopathic remedies also make sure that no weakness or other residual effects of fever remain in the body. Homeopathy has a huge number of natural medicines to deal with fever cases. The Homeopathic remedies for fever are recommended based on the particular symptoms listed by each individual patient.

Top natural Homeopathic Medicines for Fever

Aconite: one of the Best Homeopathic medicines for fever with restlessness and anxiety

Aconite is a natural Homeopathic remedy of great help when the fever is accompanied by extreme restlessness and anxiety. The patient feels an increased thirst for cold water and the body aches are intolerable. The use of Homeopathic medicine Aconite should always be considered when the fever has risen after a sudden exposure to cold winds.

Bryonia Alba: One of the Natural Homeopathic medicines for fever with bodyache

Bryonia Alba is a natural Homeopathic medicine for patients in whom body aches predominate during fever. Such a person wants to lie down still to get relief and slight motion worsens his or her condition. There is also an increased thirst for water.

Nux Vomica: Natural Homeopathic cure for fever with shivering

Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica, is a holistic cure for fever. As it is made of natural substances, therefore it is of great help in cases of fever with extreme chilliness and shivering. The person wants to remain covered in all stages of fever.

 Gelsemium:  Homeopathic Medicines for fever with dizziness

Natural Homeopathic remedy Gelsemium is very beneficial in fever cases where the patients suffer from weakness, dizziness and even the tendency to faint. There is an absence of thirst in most cases.

Rhus Tox:One of the Best Homeopathic medicines for fever with extreme body ache

Rhus Tox is one of the top natural Homeopathic medicines for persons who have fever with extreme body aches, leading to restlessness. Such a person wants to remain in motion to get relief. Rhus Tox is also the natural Homeopathic cure for fever as a result of getting wet in rain.

Homeopathic medicines for Fever – Flu or Influenza type

Influenza is a viral infection with sudden fever, running nose, cough, pain in eyes, headache and body aches. The natural Homeopathic medicines for fever  that are of immense help in the treatment of Influenza are Aconite, Gelsemium and Eupatorium Perfoliatum. Aconite is prescribed for Influenza when sudden cold air exposure is the cause. The exposure is followed by immediate fever and watery nasal discharges. Extreme anxiety and restlessness accompany the fever. Gelsemium is the best natural Homeopathic cure for a running nose and sneezing accompanied by pain in eyes and head. The patient may also experience weakness and drowsiness.  Homeopathic medicine Eupatorium Perfoliatum is of great help to treat the fever in Influenza when the patient experiences severe pain. This Homeopathic remedy, which has zero side effects like all natural Homeopathic medicines, provides a quick relief from pain.

 Homeopathic medicines for Fever – Malaria

The main symptom indicating malarial fever is beginning of fever with a chill followed by heat, and its closure by excessive sweating. There is a periodicity of fever, like the fever occurs every day and every third or fourth day. The selection of natural Homeopathic medicines for treating malarial fever is based on the stage of fever (chill, heat, sweat) that stands out prominently, thirst, desire or aversion to cover oneself up in different stages, the time of onset of fever and other characteristic symptoms present in individual cases. The best natural Homeopathic remediesfor malarial fever are Gelsemium, Arsenic Album, Nux Vomica and Eupatorium Perfoliatum. The patients who can benefit with natural Homeopathic remedy Gelsemium complain of extreme chilliness with a complete absence of thirst. Weakness and dizziness accompany fever. Arsenic Album is a natural Homeopathic remedy of great help to patients who are exhausted with fever and need a small quantity of water at very short intervals. Nux Vomica is best suited as a Homeopathic cure for patients who want to remain covered in warm clothes in all the three stages of fever: heat, cold and sweat. Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the ideal natural Homeopathic medicine when extreme pains accompany the fever.

 Homeopathic Medicines for fever – Typhoid Fever

The symptoms of Typhoid Fever are continued fever, loss of appetite, rash, diarrhoea or constipation, abdomen pain and cough. In later stages, extreme exhaustion, lethargy and delirium are features of Typhoid Fever. Th Homeopathic medicines for Typhoid Fever are Baptisia, Arnica, Arsenic Album and Muriatic Acid. Baptisia is a Homeopathic medicine that is of help when all the body discharges, i.e. urine, sweat, stool and breath, are extremely offensive. This Homeopathic medicine can be used in delirious and stupor stages. The marked indication in stupor stage is sleepiness where the person falls asleep when talking to others. The peculiar delirium condition includes feeling as if the body is scattered into pieces.  Homeopathic medicine Arnica is used to cure Typhoid Fever when there is an excessive sore and bruised sensation in the whole body. The body feels beaten up. The bed on which the person lies feels hard and he or she constantly changes position to find a soft spot. Arsenic Album is the natural Homeopathic cure when utmost exhaustion, anxiety and restlessness are experienced by a patient of Typhoid Fever. Muriatic Acid is a natural Homeopathic medicine given when offensive stool passes involuntarily in Typhoid Fever. This is accompanied by great debility and deep sleep.

Homeopathic Remedies for Fever – Dengue fever

Dengue Fever is characterised by sudden fever with pain in head, pain behind eyes and severe bone pains known as bone break fever. A complication of Dengue Fever is haemorrhage from nose, mouth or under the skin with liver enlargement. This is referred to as Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. The most effective natural Homeopathic medicines for Dengue Fever are Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Gelsemium, China and Ipecac. Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the top natural Homeopathic remedy for Dengue Fever with severe bone pain. This natural Homeopathic medicine provides prompt relief from pain. Gelsemium is prescribed when severe pain and heaviness in eyes are present in Dengue Fever. China and Ipecac are excellent natural Homeopathic remedies for Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever with bleeding.

 Homeopathic Medicines for fever with sore throat or inflammation of tonsils

Homeopathic medicine Belladona is the best natural remedy to deal with cases of fever with pain in throat. The person feels excessive heat with high fever, red eyes, pain in throat. Merc Sol is another natural Homeopathic medicine for fever with sore throat if excessive saliva is present in mouth. Hepar Sulph is also a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help for fever with a sore throat, especially when the pain in throat is accompanied by extreme chilliness.

 Homeopathic medicines for Fever –  Measles, Chicken Pox and Scarlet Fever

Eruptive fever accompanies diseases where eruptions appear on the body and includes Measles, Chicken Pox and Scarlet Fever. Natural Homeopathic remedies are of great help in the treatment of such fevers but the medicines have to be taken very cautiously as in no way should there be a suppression of eruptions. The suppression of eruptions may lead to severe brain complications. The top natural Homeopathic medicines for eruptive fevers are Belladona, Bryonia Alba, Antimonium Tart and Rhus Tox. The application of the required medicine is recommended after taking the individual case history of the patient.
 Homeopathic medicines for Fever – Septic Fever
The best natural Homeopathic medicines for dealing with Septic Fever are Pyrogenium, Anthracinum and Lachesis. Here again, the Homeopathic remedy is recommended after taking the complete case history from the patient. These natural Homeopathic medicines are to be taken very carefully and cautiously as Septic Fever indicates a very critical situation and may prove fatal.

Nausea and vertigo are important features of this remedy. There is a terrible sinking sensation in the pit of the stomach. There is also an incessant nausea which causes the patient to vomit from least motion. Nausea is almost always accompanied by vertigo and cold sweat. Vertigo is intense and is worse opening the eyes, on rising or looking upwards, and is better open, fresh air. There is also death like pallor, icy coldness of the body, and intermittent pulse. As one may predict, it is a good remedy for seasickness. There is a feeling of coldness in the abdomen but the patient 'wants abdomen uncovered'.

Tabacum (tab.)

Exercise 12 - EH Analysis
In the following graph, taken from the Encyclopedia Homeopathica (EH) software analysis, each symptom included in the search is represented by a different color. The length of the bar for a particular symptom (represented by a color), indicates how many times this symptom was mentioned in the materia medica for that remedy.
You will notice that, for the most part, only characteristic symptoms were chosen. This allows for easy differentiation of the correct remedy. The first remedy on the left is the correct remedy and the answer to the exercise. Usually, it has the longest bar of the graph, and comprehensively covers all the symptoms.
The EH screenshot is followed by a list of the RADAR Keynotes of that remedy, and a link to a query file that users may download and install into their own EH program in order to duplicate the analysis.

RADAR Keynotes for Tabacum

* Symptoms with deathly nausea, vomiting, icy coldness and sweat.
- Sadness, < menses, climacteric.
- Anxiety > weeping. Anxious restlessness.
- Desire for company at night.
- Feels as if someone were coming to arrest or murder him.
- Icy coldness, covered with cold sweat.
- > Open fresh air.
- < Great heat or great cold.
- < Motion.
- < Tobacco.
- Desire for tobacco.
- On opening eyes.
- > Open air.
- Headache with severe nausea. < Urinating, > open air.
- Lachrymation during nausea.
- Tobacco blindness.
- Retina retains images too long (Nat-m).
- Meniere's disease, as if sea-sick.
- Discharge increased with nausea.
- Pale, sunken. Covered with cold sweat.
- Salivation during nausea.
- TERRIBLE FAINT, SINKING FEELING at pit of stomach. Sense of
relaxation of stomach, with nausea.
- Nausea during pregnancy with much spitting (Sep, Sym-r).
- SEASICKNESS (Cocc, Petr).
- Gastralgia, pain extending to left arm.
- Vomiting violent, with cold sweat, < least motion.
- Coldness.
- Horrible colic. Intestinal obstruction.
- Constipation, < tobacco.
- Rectum paralysed, prolapsed.
- Diarrhea with nausea and vomiting, prostration and cold sweat (Ars, Verat).
Sudden urging.
Like sour milk, thick, curdled, watery.
- Rectal tenesmus. Spasm.
- Colic. Violent pain along urether, < left side.
- Dyspnea with tingling down left arm, < lying left side (Kalm).
- Arteriosclerosis. High bloodpressure. Tobacco heart.
- Palpitations, < lying left side (Lach, Phos, Spig).
- Icy coldness.
- Cramps. Spasms. Jerking.
- Profuse with nausea.
Compl: Op.
D.D: Ars, Cocc, Colch, Ip, Sep, Sym-r, Verat.

EH Query File

Here is the EH Query file for you to install in your own program.
1. To download the file, right click on this link and choose "Save File As", "Save Link As", or "Save Target As", depending on your browser.
2. Many browsers will change the file extension to .htm when you download. Be sure that the file name ends with .qry. If your browser has changed the extension, change it back to .qry
3. Open EH, go to the Find Window (F4) and chose the Search pull down menu. Select Recall the Query.
4. Double click on the query file you would like to open. You will then find the same query that was used to create the analysis screenshot for that remedy.
5. To view the analysis in EH, hit the function key (F8) and you will see the analysis for that query.
Note: EH owners who download these queries may get different results, based on the database of books they own. In particular, the Vermeulen books seem to be of great help in answering these exercises.

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