Ten Steps to Autism Recovery
Natural Homeopathic Remedies for High Functioning Autism Treatment
functioning autistic kids respond very favourably to natural
homeopathic remedies . The biggest advantage of using Homeopathic
medicines is that they are one hundred percent natural and do not have
any side effects and have a great ability to stimulate good deal of
development in such kids.
High functioning autism is not really an official diagnostic term, but is more a convenient term loosely used by medical practitioners. Though the term “high functioning autism” is commonly bandied around in the context of classic autism, it has thus far defied a definitive definition.Broadly speaking, it is used to describe kids who have several overlapping symptoms with autism and also do not develop language skills typically. It is more of a helpful diagnosis that is employed to arrive at the relevant line of treatment and school placement.
High-functioning autism thus forms the lower end of the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) spectrum as its signs and symptoms are less pronounced than in other forms of autism. A kids with high-functioning autism, in fact, can show good level of intelligence . Its distinctive traits that set it apart from other forms of autism often cause high-functioning autism to be confused with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Since it is not a very clearly defined term, as a parent, care giver or doctor it may be more challenging and confusing to detect and diagnose high-factors to distinguish it:
Generally, a child with high-functioning autism will exhibit normal to above normal intelligence levels with no considerable delays in acquiring language skills. This, however, in no way implies that people with high functioning autism will not experience problems with language skills.
People with high-functioning autism display a deficiency of social skills. This decreased ability of skill in interacting with others, in fact, defines patients of autism. The person is unable to grasp social cues, may interpret conversations and speech too literally, and display inadequate understanding of facial expressions, body language and other people’s point of view.
Sensory skills
kids with high functioning autism at times show sharp reactions to different textures, strong smells, sudden sounds, sights, or other stimuli that others might not even notice or react to, such as a flickering light, moving objects etc. This either makes them hypersensitive or hyposensitive to sensory stimuli.
While a hypersensitive person will shrink from strong lights or sounds, a hyposensitive person will be loud in speech, like loud music and seek strong sensory stimulation.As with classic autism, the causes of high functioning autism could be several such as inherited genetic deficiencies, environmental role and various physiological factors.
Natural homeopathic medicines for High Functioning Autistic kids
Homeopathic medicines are very safe , natural and highly effective in helping kids with high functioning autism. This segment of autism responds very favourably to Homeopathic medicines . I have always used homeopathic medicines which are meant for development delay and not autism . Hardly have I ever used Carcinocin for high functioning autistic kids . Simple development medicines like calcarea group , baryta carb , tuber etc . show much promising result in treating High funtioning autism naturally.
High functioning autism is not really an official diagnostic term, but is more a convenient term loosely used by medical practitioners. Though the term “high functioning autism” is commonly bandied around in the context of classic autism, it has thus far defied a definitive definition.Broadly speaking, it is used to describe kids who have several overlapping symptoms with autism and also do not develop language skills typically. It is more of a helpful diagnosis that is employed to arrive at the relevant line of treatment and school placement.
High-functioning autism thus forms the lower end of the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) spectrum as its signs and symptoms are less pronounced than in other forms of autism. A kids with high-functioning autism, in fact, can show good level of intelligence . Its distinctive traits that set it apart from other forms of autism often cause high-functioning autism to be confused with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Since it is not a very clearly defined term, as a parent, care giver or doctor it may be more challenging and confusing to detect and diagnose high-factors to distinguish it:
Generally, a child with high-functioning autism will exhibit normal to above normal intelligence levels with no considerable delays in acquiring language skills. This, however, in no way implies that people with high functioning autism will not experience problems with language skills.
Though people
with high functioning autism do not display much language difficulty;
they may be given to using slang, exhibit unusual speech patterns or may
actually avoid verbal interaction. A typical characteristic of this
lower-end autism could be a flat, monotone intonation.The overlapping
symptoms of high functioning autism and other forms of autism pertain
mostly to other areas of development, such as social skills, sensory
skills or motor skills.
Social skillsPeople with high-functioning autism display a deficiency of social skills. This decreased ability of skill in interacting with others, in fact, defines patients of autism. The person is unable to grasp social cues, may interpret conversations and speech too literally, and display inadequate understanding of facial expressions, body language and other people’s point of view.
Sensory skills
kids with high functioning autism at times show sharp reactions to different textures, strong smells, sudden sounds, sights, or other stimuli that others might not even notice or react to, such as a flickering light, moving objects etc. This either makes them hypersensitive or hyposensitive to sensory stimuli.
While a hypersensitive person will shrink from strong lights or sounds, a hyposensitive person will be loud in speech, like loud music and seek strong sensory stimulation.As with classic autism, the causes of high functioning autism could be several such as inherited genetic deficiencies, environmental role and various physiological factors.
Natural homeopathic medicines for High Functioning Autistic kids
Homeopathic medicines are very safe , natural and highly effective in helping kids with high functioning autism. This segment of autism responds very favourably to Homeopathic medicines . I have always used homeopathic medicines which are meant for development delay and not autism . Hardly have I ever used Carcinocin for high functioning autistic kids . Simple development medicines like calcarea group , baryta carb , tuber etc . show much promising result in treating High funtioning autism naturally.
Methods to Diagnose Autism in Children
Methods to diagnose autism in children
For a parent to detect symptoms of autism in the child, there is available the autism rating scale , which is a list of informative questions pertaining to the kid’s responses. ‘. It is best to consult a specialized professional, such as neurologist, developmental pediatrician child psychiatrist or speech therapist, rather than relying on a general practitioner.The specialists undertake a battery of tests and screening procedures to arrive at a conclusive diagnosis. Broadly, these screening criteria can be categorized as follows:
Behavioral screening
The guidelines employed by a doctor to assess the specific kind of developmental delay a child has comprise case studies, among other things. The medical history interview entails asking general questions from parents or other care givers about whether a child makes the gestures that are natural at various stages of growth, such as responding to his name, following the parents with his gaze, gesticulating to be picked up etc.
Behavioral screening also entails measuring the child against the diagnostic guidelines for autism advocated by the American Association of Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP).Various behavioral questionnaires may be used that are specifically designed for children below the age of three.
Clinical screening is done to observe the child’s behavior in different settings. Parents may be required to chronicle and interpret the child’s responses in varied settings.In addition, developmental and intelligence tests are conducted as the AACAP recommends that an assessment be made about whether or not a child’s developmental delays impact his cognitive power and ability to arrive at decisions.
Physical screening
The child is also be subjected to screening for any physical disability or problem. The battery of physical tests comprises measuring of head dimensions, weight, height etc.Hearing tests are performed to assess if the developmental delays or lack of language skills and social reciprocity can be attributed to hearing problems.
Doctors also conduct special tests to check the child for any lead poisoning. This could manifest itself as a specific condition called pica wherein the kid exhibits a craving for non-food items such as dirt or even paint. It is common to find that children with tardy growth carry on putting objects in their mouth long after this stage has been crossed in other children showing normal growth. This trait is generally responsible for lead poisoning in affected children.
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is revisiting the existing definition of autism spectrum disorder in a manner that is likely to have a bearing on its diagnostic characteristics. The revised diagnostic criteria may be implemented some time in 2013, in the shape of DSM V.
Doctors rely on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) for Mental Disorders to ascertain if a person is suffering from autism. The existing version of this manual is the DSM-IV.The APA advocates that children should be examined for autism during regular visits to doctors. This enables doctors to ascertain whether or not a child has autism or any similar condition such as language disorders or avoidant personality disorder.For a parent to detect symptoms of autism in the child, there is available the autism rating scale , which is a list of informative questions pertaining to the kid’s responses. ‘. It is best to consult a specialized professional, such as neurologist, developmental pediatrician child psychiatrist or speech therapist, rather than relying on a general practitioner.The specialists undertake a battery of tests and screening procedures to arrive at a conclusive diagnosis. Broadly, these screening criteria can be categorized as follows:
Behavioral screening
The guidelines employed by a doctor to assess the specific kind of developmental delay a child has comprise case studies, among other things. The medical history interview entails asking general questions from parents or other care givers about whether a child makes the gestures that are natural at various stages of growth, such as responding to his name, following the parents with his gaze, gesticulating to be picked up etc.
Behavioral screening also entails measuring the child against the diagnostic guidelines for autism advocated by the American Association of Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP).Various behavioral questionnaires may be used that are specifically designed for children below the age of three.
Clinical screening is done to observe the child’s behavior in different settings. Parents may be required to chronicle and interpret the child’s responses in varied settings.In addition, developmental and intelligence tests are conducted as the AACAP recommends that an assessment be made about whether or not a child’s developmental delays impact his cognitive power and ability to arrive at decisions.
Physical screening
The child is also be subjected to screening for any physical disability or problem. The battery of physical tests comprises measuring of head dimensions, weight, height etc.Hearing tests are performed to assess if the developmental delays or lack of language skills and social reciprocity can be attributed to hearing problems.
Doctors also conduct special tests to check the child for any lead poisoning. This could manifest itself as a specific condition called pica wherein the kid exhibits a craving for non-food items such as dirt or even paint. It is common to find that children with tardy growth carry on putting objects in their mouth long after this stage has been crossed in other children showing normal growth. This trait is generally responsible for lead poisoning in affected children.
Early Signs of Autism In Infants and Homeopathic Treatment
Early signs of autism in your child
It is estimated that at least one child out of 100 is likely to be autistic. Autism is a clutch of closely related disorders with a common core of symptoms. Appearing in infancy and early childhood, it leads to tardy growth in many basic areas like learning to talk, play, and social interaction with others.As a parent, therefore, you need to look out for early signs of autism in your Infant. Its symptoms often surface between 12 and 18 months although an official diagnosis of autism isn’t generally furnished until a child attains the age of 2 or 3. Since it can be Autism can diagnosed in infants, the sooner it is identified for homeopathic medical intervention, the better are the chances of treatment.
General signs Autism In infants
There are some early signs of autism in infants that show up as as early as two months and should set alarm bells ringing. If you find only one or two of these signs surfacing once in a while, it may not be so much a cause for concern as it may be some other kind of language or learning problem, or simply nothing at all.But it is a red flag if the baby shows lack of eye contact, such as not looking at you when being fed; doesn’t smile back when smiled at; shows lack of response to name or to the sound of a familiar voice; doesn’t follow objects visually; the baby shows lack of gestures for communication, like pointing, reaching, waving, showing things, etc.
If the baby fails to make noises to draw your attention; doesn’t initiate or respond to cuddling; doesn’t make gestures to be picked up; doesn’t know how to play with toys or excessively lines up toys and other objects; or is overly attached to a toy or object, and isn’t sociable, doesn’t share interest and enjoyment, these signs should be chronicled and discussed with the doctor. These can early signs of autism in your baby.
Specific Signs Of Autism in Infants at various stages of growth:
There are some early milestones at specific stages that form the bedrock of a child’s growth. Among these is the yardstick of social reciprocity, which entails back and forth communication and continuous exchange of gestures. Here are some milestones that may be missing:
By 2 to 3 months, the baby isn’t making frequent eye contact; by 3 months, the baby isn’t smiling at you, there are no cheerful or other joyful expressions; by 6 months, the baby doesn’t laugh; by 8 months, the baby isn’t following your gaze when you look away from him, and there is no reciprocal sharing of sounds, smiles, or other facial expressions; by 9 months, the baby hasn’t started babbling; by 1 year, the baby isn’t consistently turning to you when you call his name; by 1 year, the baby hasn’t begun to wave a goodbye; by 12 to 14 months, the baby hasn’t uttered a single word; by 14 months, the baby isn’t pointing or gesturing to evince interest; by 18 months, the baby doesn’t play “pretend”; and by 24 months, the baby is not uttering two-word meaningful phrases (sans imitation or repetition).
Role of Homeopathic Intervention when there are early Signs of Autism in Infants.
As a rule I never start any autism related homeopathic medicine in kids below the age of 18 months . But I have had success with development delay medicines …for example , I have used Calcarea Carb in very young kids and have seen great improvement in them . My Homeopathic recommendation in cases where there are early signs of autism in Infants is Calcarea Carb . I have used this in decimal scale with great success.
It is estimated that at least one child out of 100 is likely to be autistic. Autism is a clutch of closely related disorders with a common core of symptoms. Appearing in infancy and early childhood, it leads to tardy growth in many basic areas like learning to talk, play, and social interaction with others.As a parent, therefore, you need to look out for early signs of autism in your Infant. Its symptoms often surface between 12 and 18 months although an official diagnosis of autism isn’t generally furnished until a child attains the age of 2 or 3. Since it can be Autism can diagnosed in infants, the sooner it is identified for homeopathic medical intervention, the better are the chances of treatment.
General signs Autism In infants
There are some early signs of autism in infants that show up as as early as two months and should set alarm bells ringing. If you find only one or two of these signs surfacing once in a while, it may not be so much a cause for concern as it may be some other kind of language or learning problem, or simply nothing at all.But it is a red flag if the baby shows lack of eye contact, such as not looking at you when being fed; doesn’t smile back when smiled at; shows lack of response to name or to the sound of a familiar voice; doesn’t follow objects visually; the baby shows lack of gestures for communication, like pointing, reaching, waving, showing things, etc.
If the baby fails to make noises to draw your attention; doesn’t initiate or respond to cuddling; doesn’t make gestures to be picked up; doesn’t know how to play with toys or excessively lines up toys and other objects; or is overly attached to a toy or object, and isn’t sociable, doesn’t share interest and enjoyment, these signs should be chronicled and discussed with the doctor. These can early signs of autism in your baby.
Specific Signs Of Autism in Infants at various stages of growth:
There are some early milestones at specific stages that form the bedrock of a child’s growth. Among these is the yardstick of social reciprocity, which entails back and forth communication and continuous exchange of gestures. Here are some milestones that may be missing:
By 2 to 3 months, the baby isn’t making frequent eye contact; by 3 months, the baby isn’t smiling at you, there are no cheerful or other joyful expressions; by 6 months, the baby doesn’t laugh; by 8 months, the baby isn’t following your gaze when you look away from him, and there is no reciprocal sharing of sounds, smiles, or other facial expressions; by 9 months, the baby hasn’t started babbling; by 1 year, the baby isn’t consistently turning to you when you call his name; by 1 year, the baby hasn’t begun to wave a goodbye; by 12 to 14 months, the baby hasn’t uttered a single word; by 14 months, the baby isn’t pointing or gesturing to evince interest; by 18 months, the baby doesn’t play “pretend”; and by 24 months, the baby is not uttering two-word meaningful phrases (sans imitation or repetition).
Role of Homeopathic Intervention when there are early Signs of Autism in Infants.
As a rule I never start any autism related homeopathic medicine in kids below the age of 18 months . But I have had success with development delay medicines …for example , I have used Calcarea Carb in very young kids and have seen great improvement in them . My Homeopathic recommendation in cases where there are early signs of autism in Infants is Calcarea Carb . I have used this in decimal scale with great success.
13 essential Steps For your Child’s Recovery from Autism
Legal Disclaimer: Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. The testimonials are real, and these patients have been treated with homeopathy treatment from our clinic . However, these results are meant as a showcase of what the best, homeopathy can do with their disease contions and should not be taken as average or typical results.
13 essential Steps For your Child’s Recovery from Autism
It is very natural for all parents to go through a ‘difficult period’ initially once they come to know about their child ‘s autism issue. My advise would be’ please don’t despair’ even if your pediatrician has taken away every bit of hope of your child’s recovery from autism. I have seen plenty of cases recovering or becoming quite significantly better after early behavior and Homeopathic intervention. You can believe me because I have huge experience in dealing with Autism. My Clinic deals with nearly 3-5 new cases of autism every day and a follow-up of at least dozen Autism cases every day.
Autism Intervention -Earlier the Better
Start early. Once the diagnosis is done, it is very essential to come to terms with the diagnosis as fast as possible. I have seen that most of the parents struggle with the diagnosis for months or years together, which is extremely harmful for the child. Early intervention has a very important role in the recovery of the child from autism.
Making sure of the Autism Diagnosis
In a very young child, lets say between 18- 24 months, the diagnosis is difficult and it becomes all the more difficult if the child has mild problem. Taking the child to your Family doctor or a pediatrician can at times delay the diagnosis as some of them might be not clinically trained to identify Autism Spectrum Disorder ( I could be wrong here , as the clinical training differs from country to country and also the experience and the awareness has a strong bearing on the knowledge of the Pediatrician.). A Neuro developmental specialist is the right person for diagnosis. One diagnostic sign that I have always found very useful in diagnosing Autism Early is how the child reacts to his name being called out. Especially, when a stranger is calling it out. If out of ten, the child is responding less than 7 -8 times when a stranger calls out his name, there is a strong chance that the child could be falling in the Autism Spectrum.
Bottom-line if you suspect that your child has autism; please take him to the right place for diagnosis as fast as possible. And if your fears are confirmed, Start Behavior and Homeopathic Intervention as fast as possible .
Understand what has happened to your Child.
If you can leave the medical diagnosis aside, Take a brief pause and understand what has happened to your Child ( it will help you in his recovery ). It seems that the child has slipped into his own world . He is less connected to the world around him . His mind is getting trained to be in his own world . He is self – stimulating because of that . Prevent that . This is stopping him from learning new things
Autism Confirmed -Time to go all guns blazing
Its now or never, you cant afford delay in this matter. Put all your energy into pulling your child out of the world that he has slipped into. ‘Concentrated effort’ is what is required , I have realized that parents who put in all their resources early ; whether it time or available manpower , stand a very good chance of seeing a recovery in their Child’s Autism problem.
Autistic Kids -A big No To Regular School
I was treating a child who was three and a half with moderate level of Autism and no speech . This child after 3-4 months of Homeopathic Treatment developed speech and could speak between 20-30 odd words although they were just single words . Then suddenly he started losing all what he had learnt. After good deal of discussion with the parents , I found out that the mother had put the child into a regular primary school . This School had no Special infrastructure for handling autism . I asked the mother to go and observe the child in the school . She reported back after 2- 3 days that the child was not being attended well in the class and was quite isolated . He was also self Stimulating in school. As per my advise , the parents withdrew him from school , he started gaining back his speech and was back on the road to recovery from autism . I would suggest that one should avoid school for kids with autism in early stage . Child should be only put in school , only if the school provides a dedicated shadow teacher . Regular schools should be completely avoided ; in fact they can work against your child’s improvement . The big reason for not putting your child into school is that it causes pure regression as the child gets good enough time to be into his own world, hence his learning is not happening and also his mind is getting trained be in his own self.
Autism Therapist vs You
It is you and not the therapist who is going to make the big difference . Taking the child to a therapist has a pitfall . Most parents get relaxed and they stop working with the child as much as they should, once they are seeking help from a therapist. They completely overlook the stimulation that should be given at home. Its my personal experience with thousands of cases that I am writing this feature and have seen this fallout of the therapy in quite a number of cases. I will try and make myself more clear – If you are taking your child for therapy make sure that when the child is back home ,he should not get any free time in the house to slip into his own world. This slipping into his own self is the biggest impediment to his recovery . Most of our learning occurs from what we learn passively. When a child with autism slips into his self , his passive learning is not taking place hence he is not learning. Taking the child to the best therapist or the best therapy centre makes the parents believe that they are doing their bit and the child will automatically or over a period of time recover from autism because of the therapy he is receiving; where as what is actually happening is that the all the good work that therapist is doing , is getting anti doted by the hours of isolated state that the child slips into when he is back home. Once back home , keep up with the stimulation . Play , talk , dance …do all kind of activities . Keep him engaged in a loop with you and the regular world around him
Parents are the best Therapist for Autistic kids
There is no harm in engaging a therapist or taking your child to the Autism therapy centre as long as you are spending a lot of time with the child. I have always suggested parents to take more pro-active role in the execution of therapies. I have seen that children recover from autism more when their parents are actively involved in giving therapy to the child at home . Autism therapies are no rocket science ; one can easily learn them . There is a lot of information and videos available on the net . Try Searching You Tube for videos and you will find thousands of them. You are the best Therapist For him.
The Big Mantra in Autism Recovery Therapy – Stimulate & Simulate & Stimulate
As I already said autism therapy is no rocket science , the basic fundamental behind every therapy is to constantly engage with the child ; Never leave him alone .Don’t let him slip into his own world . This is what is most damaging for the child with autism. His slipping into his own self is keeping him away from learning new things hence he is not speaking and doing things. Constantly stimulate the child ; talk , play , dance . Engage with him in every moment . Do not leave him alone. You have to train his mind to be out of the Inward State . The whole exercise aims at training the mind to be constantly connected with outer world so that he can passively learn things.
Tv , iPad , iPhone etc Make your Autistic Child’s Recovery Difficult
I have already written about dangers of television watching in my previous post and its suspected linkage to Autism . Please keep them away from gadgets . He is not learning anything from it ; most of the times they are a big fixation for them and are making things worse . I have seen miraculous results in hundreds of cases where the kids were pulled away from gadgets . These gadgets promote their self stimulatory Behaviour.
What Working mothers with Autistic Kids should do for recovery ?
Its now or never . If you are not the only bread-earner in the family , leave your job and be with your child for an year( if you have caught him early) . Early intervention with Right Homeopathic treatment can really pull your child out of Autism Spectrum . Prioritise your child’s Recovery . Unfortunately you might not get this opportunity to revert back his state after an year . Another advise that I have always given to mothers and has really helped many kids is that the mothers should match their Sleep Rhythm with that off the child . It really helps them to focus more on the child and gives more ‘High energy Time’ for the mothers to engage with the child .It is about matching your peak energy hours with that of the child .
I have often observed this ,that once the Parents come to know about their child’s autism issue , working mothers tend to do their office work from home ; this again can be a misleading situation . In my experience noting major is achieved by this in most of the cases.The child will still be getting a lot of time to be into his own world. For what I have said in the last few lines might differ from case to case , so use your own discretion but be aware of what I say – ‘working from home might not carry the full impetus that is needed to bring your child out of autism’
Get More People In the House
Are nuclear families to be blamed for an increase in the incidence of autism , no one really knows the real answer ; but certainly human interaction has a lot to do with the child’s recovery in autism . Its my personal opinion that if there more people available in the house for kids to interact with their chances of recovery from autism are high – Remember it is beneficial only if those people spend time by playing and interacting with the child .
Train your Autistic Kids mind for Passive learning
A lot of learning happens passively in kids ; they learn a lot from what is going on around them . Kids with autism tend to slip into their own world , thus their passive learning is not happening . Constant stimulation trains their mind to be out of their state and they start learning things passively . So My advise is to give constant stimulation and avoid what is the conventional practise nowadays of taking the child to the therapist for an hour or two in the morning and then letting him be in their own world throughout the day.
Do Not Focus only on Speech with your Autistic Child
Speech is not a stand-alone feature of brain , it results from the cumulative development of various faculties of brain . Many parents mainly focus on making their kids speak a single word like Mama, papa or dada. I opine that parents should not do this and should focus on the overall stimulation of the child . Spontaneous speech is what we really look for in kids who start recovering from autism . A child having Spontaneous speech refers to a situation where the child can speak more than what he has been forced to learn. He is able to pickup words from his environment and speak on his own .
Start Homeopathy for Autism – it Could be a Miracle Waiting to Happen .
The sad part in my years of hard work with autism , is that most of the parents do not provide any kind of testimonial once their kids have recovered from autism . Although they are not obliged to do so , yet it is something that I feel that they owe it back to the society . It is very frustrating and humiliating when you are refused a testimonial . I have explained the parents that it is not for me that they should do this but for those thousands of parents who are hopeless about their kids recovery from autism. Most of my request go in vain. Yet ,Some brave ones have given video testimonials of recovery which are available on my you tube channel. Homeopathic medicines have a big role to play in the field of Autism . Data analysis from my Thesis ( My Masters in Homeopathy has been in the Autism and the research on The role of homeopathic medicines in the field of Autism) has clearly indicated strong efficacy of certain homeopathic medicines in Treating autism spectrum disorders. There are plenty of features in this website that I have written on how homeopathy can be helpful in treating autism. Try the search facility in the site and read them.Briefly I will explain the modalities – Autism Recovery with homeopathy has certain factors attached to it. Age of the child , Hyperactivity and last the verbal development has a lot to do with the overall outcome in the case .Homeopathy can in some kids ,can be a big boon ( I am clearly stating that only some kids recover dramatically with homeopathy… not all ) .
Television watching autism
tv watching have anything to do with autism ? ; recently I have been
seeing this trend that nearly every child who comes to me the treatment
of Autism spectrum disorder has something strange in his history of
development. Most parents , when asked about the tv watching hours ,
sheepishly confess that it was nearly 3 -8 hrs daily and even more .
This between the Ages of 7 months to 3 yr . What link it has with autism
, I am not sure about it , but it certainly there is something.
Carcinosin & Autism
Carcinosin & Autism
This remedy is indicated for backward or mentally defective children and in the modern times it is strongly indicated in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Carcinosin is one of the principal nosodes for cancer and it covers all the three miasms. The patient is chilly or hot or is extremely affected by both heat and cold. Carcinosin has a family history of diabetes, tuberculosis, anemia etc. He is either fastidious or possessed with filthy habits. Child is of obstinate nature. He gets pleasure in observing a thunderstorm. There is great desire to lie on chest or knee elbow position even in older children. There may be tendency to insomnia in children occurring in early life. During childhood there may also be a tendency to alimentary upsets of one kind or another.
Child is very intelligent and artistic with great affection for fine arts, music, and drawing or very dull, disinterested and idiotic. The child is obstinate nature. He gets pleasure in observing a thunderstorm. He is obsessed with a sense of rhythm and is consequently fond of dancing. Showing spontaneous sympathy to others is characteristic. The child if reprimanded reacts either mentally or physically. There is craving or aversion or an aversion or intolerance to one or more of the following-salt, sweet, milk, egg. Child feels better or worse from sea
Keynotes Of Carcinosin
Strong Desire for Milk or Eggs Which Aggravate
Gets vey hyperactive
Excessive hair neck and back
Family history cancer
Causeless Insomnia
History recurrent inflammatory affections in early years
Sleeps knee chest position
F/h Diabetes
Very obstinate
Loves travelling
Aggravated or Ameliorated by Sea air
Highly Talented
This remedy is indicated for backward or mentally defective children and in the modern times it is strongly indicated in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Carcinosin is one of the principal nosodes for cancer and it covers all the three miasms. The patient is chilly or hot or is extremely affected by both heat and cold. Carcinosin has a family history of diabetes, tuberculosis, anemia etc. He is either fastidious or possessed with filthy habits. Child is of obstinate nature. He gets pleasure in observing a thunderstorm. There is great desire to lie on chest or knee elbow position even in older children. There may be tendency to insomnia in children occurring in early life. During childhood there may also be a tendency to alimentary upsets of one kind or another.
Child is very intelligent and artistic with great affection for fine arts, music, and drawing or very dull, disinterested and idiotic. The child is obstinate nature. He gets pleasure in observing a thunderstorm. He is obsessed with a sense of rhythm and is consequently fond of dancing. Showing spontaneous sympathy to others is characteristic. The child if reprimanded reacts either mentally or physically. There is craving or aversion or an aversion or intolerance to one or more of the following-salt, sweet, milk, egg. Child feels better or worse from sea
Keynotes Of Carcinosin
Strong Desire for Milk or Eggs Which Aggravate
Gets vey hyperactive
Excessive hair neck and back
Family history cancer
Causeless Insomnia
History recurrent inflammatory affections in early years
Sleeps knee chest position
F/h Diabetes
Very obstinate
Loves travelling
Aggravated or Ameliorated by Sea air
Highly Talented
Autism homeopathy a strong hope
treatment of autism with homeopathy has gained a lot of popularity in
the recent years. This is mainly due to the fact that homeopathy can be
very effective in treating autism.
At the very outset, I would also like to make things very clear that not all cases respond very favorably to homeopathy.
certain percentage (although not very high) shows little or no
improvement with homeopathy. But for those autistic children who start
improving with homeopathy; it can really alter their life. The best part
of their recovery with homeopathy medicines is that there is totally
zero side effect and their physical and mental development is in no way
Autism Treatment
Until recently Autism was something that only highly specialised neuro-development experts had heard of. Not many knew about this disease. Not even general physicians knew much about it though Kanner (an American psychiatrist) had first observed this disorder in 1943. But what is worrisome is the rate at which it is coming up.AUTISM My son is getting cured
Autism getting cured
autism is getting better Says Sangeeta goel….My son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder when he was 2 ½ years old. I was told by doctors that there is no cure for it and we just need to be deeply involved in his development. He has been getting speech and occupational therapy at school since he was three and has shown great improvement in his speech and motor skills due to early intervention.He is very intelligent and grasps things very quickly but it used to be very difficult for him to explain himself. The main reason for concern for me was his very small attention span. His teacher used to send me an email everyday that he was not able to focus in the classroom and did not finish his morning work and she is sending the work home. I used to dread to see his teacher’s emails that another day of complaints.
Autism treatment , One day I was just browsing the Internet to find some cure for him when I came across an article published by Dr. Vikas Sharma in The Tribune. I took his email address from the article and wrote to him asking if a long distance treatment was possible. I was elated to know that it was possible and I asked Dr. Sharma to send me the evaluation form. Dr. Sharma was kind enough to call me several times to get clear picture of my son’s symptoms. The treatment was started soon after the evaluation. I got my son started on the medicine and within a week I received an email from his teacher saying that he finished his morning work without any help or reminders. I have only good things to hear about him from that day. He used to stammer while talking, but soon he started to talk with less difficulty. His hyperactivity has decreased a lot and he started to follow the directions. His bowel movements have become regular and he gets less irritated. I have seen tremendous improvement in him ever since I started his treatment with Dr. Sharma 6-8 months ago. Dr. Sharma is very prompt in addressing any health issues I have had with my son. He has always made sure that the medicines are dispatched in a timely manner.
I am thankful to God that I found Dr. Sharma and cannot express enough gratitude towards Dr. Sharma as he has helped my son a lot in getting him where he is today. … Sangeeta goel (US)
This mail was sent To Dr Sharma BY Sangeeta and has not been edited or restructered.
AUTISM AND HOMEOPATHY – Treatment of Autism
Disclaimer: Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to
represent typical results. The testimonials are real, and these patients
have been treated with homeopathy treatment from our clinic . However,
these results are meant as a showcase of what best, homeopathy can do
with the disease condtions and should not be taken as average or typical
A Cured case of Autism
Homeopathy is much more of a choice than people often think it to be. One of its philosophy’s greatest breakthroughs is the realization that the body is not an object but a process with no pre-ordained limits.
The scorching, cruel heat of summer was just setting in the first year of the new century when Mr and Mrs Puri (not their real names) approached us with their only child Ravi (not his real name) who was then four. Two years earlier, at the age of two, he was diagnosed as being autistic. We tested him on the ATEC (Autism Testing and Evaluation Checklist) and his rating was in the moderate to high category. His problem was more in speech/communication and sensory/cognitive areas.
Besides the classical symptoms of autism, the symptoms that actually led us to prescribe Carcinocin were the history of an early eruption of teeth and hairiness. A leading characteristic of Carcinocin is the desire for milk. There are many symptoms – a sweaty head, when sleeping, and physical heat in general; difficulty in falling asleep; the desire for things salty and for chocolate-like energetic foods. Than there are internal restlessness and fidgetiness and love for dancing. Strong passion, sexuality and a very strong family history of cancer in the family are also noticed. The remedy was the boy?s similimum if there ever was one! Fitting him like a glove, the treatment has worked. Ravi has suffered no aggravation in the two years he has been on and off this remedy. The dosage chosen for him was similarly fitting ? the LM dose. Positive results were obvious within the first month. Babbling turned into more formative words, hyperactive behaviour became rare and he started obeying simple commands. His self-stimulatory behaviour, too, was nearly gone. Very soon a big achievement came when Ravi started interacting with children and started playing with them. He is now five and is attending a normal school. There are still vestigial signs of his former autism though these are not really apparent to teachers or anyone else besides us (parents and the physicians). For example, his language is occasionally awkward. In moments of stress (e.g. if he is sick), he retreats into himself and utilizes echolalia as a speech strategy. To sum it up, none but the very discerning can make out that Ravi had this serious problem.
I would now like to enlighten the readers about the intricacies and the sensitive approach necessary for the homeopathic intervention. Autism poses a challenge to homeopaths. It needs a hardcore-Hahnemannian approach. Valuable symptoms including reaction to vaccines, family medical history, thermal sensitivities and sleep postures form a part of the very detailed information that a physician would need. For the parents whose kids are undergoing such intervention, the stimulus/reaction model of symptoms and its significance to the homeopath need to be clearly understood. As the autistic child experiences stress, he responds with a reaction. This reaction becomes a symptom or a sign of characteristic importance. The real challenge is to understand what the child is expressing both verbally (if he is articulate) and nonverbally. By fully perceiving the patient, one may learn to understand the individual?s cycle of stress and response. It is only through such a deep understanding that a homeopath is able to prescribe effectively. The improvement following such intervention also needs to be evaluated regularly on the autism-rating scale. The extent to which the cure can occur has a great degree of variability associated with it. Two medicines require a special mention for their effectiveness in the treatment of autism ? Carcinocin and Secretin (Secretin as a homeopathic medicine is highly diluted and potentised). Secretin is supposed to neutralise the excess levels of peptides. This medicine has been found useful in cases of autism where loose stools are often an important symptom along with the classical symptoms of the autism spectrum. Another important aspect of the homeopathic treatment of autism is the usage of LM potencies… Homoeopathic medicines in this scale are faster acting and at the same time gentler. It is able to hold the “slipping back” of the old symptoms and can be used for a longer period with frequent repetitions. Homeopathy is undergoing a very strong resurgence in the modern medical world, and one of the main reasons for it is its recent role in treating such illnesses. Homeopathic philosophy is a constant reminder that the greatest healing power lies within the body itself.
Here is some more info on autism . This article on autism was written by me in Tribune about 2 yrs years back.
Autism and Homeopathy Autism is a childhood disorder begins in early childhood (typically during the first three years of life) which affects the child?s communication skills, social interactions, and causes restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior in varying degrees. Autism (also called as autism spectrum disorder or pervasive developmental disorder) can range from severe to a very milder form. This mild form is called as asperger syndrome. The actual cause for autism is not clear. Autism in the first two years of life is slightly difficult to diagnose. Parents are usually the first ones to notice the symptoms, which in the first two years of life are otherwise slightly difficult to find out; usually it is the nonresponsive behavior in the first two years that may make the parents feel concerned. In cases where the child has been growing normally, his sudden withdrawal from social interactions, nonresponsive behavior along with losing that little amount of speech that he had gained initially, may lead the parents to get their toddler screened for this disorder. By the age of three, autism spectrum disorder can be clearly diagnosed. Children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) may not follow regular developmental pattern like other kids of their age. Verbal and non verbal communication, social interaction and patterns of repetitive behavior (also called as fixations)-like being fixated with carrying some object in the hand all the time e.g. Sticks ,pencils, soap suds etc. Rocking, spinning, excessively arranging things in one line and Behavioral issues like hyperactive behavior and inability to understand emotions are a part of this disorder for some kids. Autism is nowadays called as autism spectrum disorder as there is huge variation of symptoms that the child might suffer from. Key features that should help the parents in identifying this disorder are child?s inability to babble or make meaningful gestures (like social smile, pointing to objects like fan etc,) by 18 months of age. Inability to speak even a single word by the age of two, having a poor or no eye contact, giving the impression as if he is hard of hearing when being called out to. The ?not in tune? behavior of child is the most important differentiating symptom although it is not very easy for a lay person to identify it. Homeopathy for treating autism in kids is gaining quite a popularity all over the world. Clinical experience shows that results are much better when the treatment is started at an earlier age ,even though at higher ages like six or seven some kids do show remarkable improvements; but Homoeopathic intervention at an early age(before much behavioral and emotional issues come up) has distinct advantages. One important aspect that I would clearly like to mention is the fact that results with homeopathy in treating autism are selective. This means that where one segment of kids may respond extremely favorable to the treatment others may fail to yield any relief. Even while treating with homeopathy the child needs to be rated on an autism rating scale. Periodical assessments on the autism rating scale are must to gauge the improvements in the child. Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine; it takes into consideration the constitutional picture (complete physical and mental make up of the child) along with the necessary details of the disease while prescribing. Medicines that are very effective in treating autism are Carcinocin, Thuja, and Secretin. The role of carcinocin in treating autism requires a special mention. This also does not mean that every child who has autism should be put on it; even for carcinocin to be prescribed the child has to fall within the drug?s constitutional picture
Dr. Vikas Sharma is a Neuro Developmental Specialist in homeopathy and has been Treating Autism spectrum disorders with homeopathy for the last ten years.
A Cured case of Autism
Homeopathy is much more of a choice than people often think it to be. One of its philosophy’s greatest breakthroughs is the realization that the body is not an object but a process with no pre-ordained limits.
The scorching, cruel heat of summer was just setting in the first year of the new century when Mr and Mrs Puri (not their real names) approached us with their only child Ravi (not his real name) who was then four. Two years earlier, at the age of two, he was diagnosed as being autistic. We tested him on the ATEC (Autism Testing and Evaluation Checklist) and his rating was in the moderate to high category. His problem was more in speech/communication and sensory/cognitive areas.
Besides the classical symptoms of autism, the symptoms that actually led us to prescribe Carcinocin were the history of an early eruption of teeth and hairiness. A leading characteristic of Carcinocin is the desire for milk. There are many symptoms – a sweaty head, when sleeping, and physical heat in general; difficulty in falling asleep; the desire for things salty and for chocolate-like energetic foods. Than there are internal restlessness and fidgetiness and love for dancing. Strong passion, sexuality and a very strong family history of cancer in the family are also noticed. The remedy was the boy?s similimum if there ever was one! Fitting him like a glove, the treatment has worked. Ravi has suffered no aggravation in the two years he has been on and off this remedy. The dosage chosen for him was similarly fitting ? the LM dose. Positive results were obvious within the first month. Babbling turned into more formative words, hyperactive behaviour became rare and he started obeying simple commands. His self-stimulatory behaviour, too, was nearly gone. Very soon a big achievement came when Ravi started interacting with children and started playing with them. He is now five and is attending a normal school. There are still vestigial signs of his former autism though these are not really apparent to teachers or anyone else besides us (parents and the physicians). For example, his language is occasionally awkward. In moments of stress (e.g. if he is sick), he retreats into himself and utilizes echolalia as a speech strategy. To sum it up, none but the very discerning can make out that Ravi had this serious problem.
I would now like to enlighten the readers about the intricacies and the sensitive approach necessary for the homeopathic intervention. Autism poses a challenge to homeopaths. It needs a hardcore-Hahnemannian approach. Valuable symptoms including reaction to vaccines, family medical history, thermal sensitivities and sleep postures form a part of the very detailed information that a physician would need. For the parents whose kids are undergoing such intervention, the stimulus/reaction model of symptoms and its significance to the homeopath need to be clearly understood. As the autistic child experiences stress, he responds with a reaction. This reaction becomes a symptom or a sign of characteristic importance. The real challenge is to understand what the child is expressing both verbally (if he is articulate) and nonverbally. By fully perceiving the patient, one may learn to understand the individual?s cycle of stress and response. It is only through such a deep understanding that a homeopath is able to prescribe effectively. The improvement following such intervention also needs to be evaluated regularly on the autism-rating scale. The extent to which the cure can occur has a great degree of variability associated with it. Two medicines require a special mention for their effectiveness in the treatment of autism ? Carcinocin and Secretin (Secretin as a homeopathic medicine is highly diluted and potentised). Secretin is supposed to neutralise the excess levels of peptides. This medicine has been found useful in cases of autism where loose stools are often an important symptom along with the classical symptoms of the autism spectrum. Another important aspect of the homeopathic treatment of autism is the usage of LM potencies… Homoeopathic medicines in this scale are faster acting and at the same time gentler. It is able to hold the “slipping back” of the old symptoms and can be used for a longer period with frequent repetitions. Homeopathy is undergoing a very strong resurgence in the modern medical world, and one of the main reasons for it is its recent role in treating such illnesses. Homeopathic philosophy is a constant reminder that the greatest healing power lies within the body itself.
Here is some more info on autism . This article on autism was written by me in Tribune about 2 yrs years back.
Autism and Homeopathy Autism is a childhood disorder begins in early childhood (typically during the first three years of life) which affects the child?s communication skills, social interactions, and causes restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior in varying degrees. Autism (also called as autism spectrum disorder or pervasive developmental disorder) can range from severe to a very milder form. This mild form is called as asperger syndrome. The actual cause for autism is not clear. Autism in the first two years of life is slightly difficult to diagnose. Parents are usually the first ones to notice the symptoms, which in the first two years of life are otherwise slightly difficult to find out; usually it is the nonresponsive behavior in the first two years that may make the parents feel concerned. In cases where the child has been growing normally, his sudden withdrawal from social interactions, nonresponsive behavior along with losing that little amount of speech that he had gained initially, may lead the parents to get their toddler screened for this disorder. By the age of three, autism spectrum disorder can be clearly diagnosed. Children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) may not follow regular developmental pattern like other kids of their age. Verbal and non verbal communication, social interaction and patterns of repetitive behavior (also called as fixations)-like being fixated with carrying some object in the hand all the time e.g. Sticks ,pencils, soap suds etc. Rocking, spinning, excessively arranging things in one line and Behavioral issues like hyperactive behavior and inability to understand emotions are a part of this disorder for some kids. Autism is nowadays called as autism spectrum disorder as there is huge variation of symptoms that the child might suffer from. Key features that should help the parents in identifying this disorder are child?s inability to babble or make meaningful gestures (like social smile, pointing to objects like fan etc,) by 18 months of age. Inability to speak even a single word by the age of two, having a poor or no eye contact, giving the impression as if he is hard of hearing when being called out to. The ?not in tune? behavior of child is the most important differentiating symptom although it is not very easy for a lay person to identify it. Homeopathy for treating autism in kids is gaining quite a popularity all over the world. Clinical experience shows that results are much better when the treatment is started at an earlier age ,even though at higher ages like six or seven some kids do show remarkable improvements; but Homoeopathic intervention at an early age(before much behavioral and emotional issues come up) has distinct advantages. One important aspect that I would clearly like to mention is the fact that results with homeopathy in treating autism are selective. This means that where one segment of kids may respond extremely favorable to the treatment others may fail to yield any relief. Even while treating with homeopathy the child needs to be rated on an autism rating scale. Periodical assessments on the autism rating scale are must to gauge the improvements in the child. Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine; it takes into consideration the constitutional picture (complete physical and mental make up of the child) along with the necessary details of the disease while prescribing. Medicines that are very effective in treating autism are Carcinocin, Thuja, and Secretin. The role of carcinocin in treating autism requires a special mention. This also does not mean that every child who has autism should be put on it; even for carcinocin to be prescribed the child has to fall within the drug?s constitutional picture
Dr. Vikas Sharma is a Neuro Developmental Specialist in homeopathy and has been Treating Autism spectrum disorders with homeopathy for the last ten years.
Homeopathic Treatment of Autism
is a childhood disorder begins in early childhood (typically during the
first three years of life) which affects the child?s communication
skills, social interactions, and causes restricted, repetitive and
stereotyped patterns of behavior in varying degrees. Autism (also called
as autism spectrum disorder or pervasive developmental disorder) can
range from severe to a very milder form. This mild form is called as
asperger syndrome. The actual cause for autism is not clear.
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