quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2015

Homeopathy: My Experiments with Truth

Author : Dr. (Mrs.) Puneet Srivastava, BHMS, MD

I was thinking of a write-up for this Issue when someone reminded me about my tooth complaints in the near past; and it all came flashing and agonizing "My experiments with Truth (it would be better to read it as TOOTH ". So here I write about my own personal experience with toothache. It was not just a toothache it was THE TOOTHACHE (mind it it's bold and with red flag).
Last year in November, 2011 I had a sudden bout of aching in my lower right molar, I ignored it and continued without any medical intervention. Eventually it subsided!! After 2-3 days I was returning from an Evening party when I again felt the familiar pang but yes as if to retaliate my ignorance there was a marked increase in severity. I tried to divert my attention but within a simple lapse of 2-3 minutes the severity was markedly increased. I cannot define the intensity of pain but in a scale where one considers labor pain with 5 points and a bone fracture with 3 points, my toothache held with a solid 2.5 points.
It was so severe that I was blanked out; no idea of medicine or physician came to my mind. I only held my right cheek firmly and could not answer a single thing - well not only answer even think of any other thing except my toothache. The only word which unrelentingly crept into my consciousness was NOW, THIS IS WHAT WE CALL AGONIZING!
Suddenly it subsided and a breathed relief. My Mother-in-law called for a dentist friend who prescribed on phone a certain dispersible "Voveran DS " for emergency usage. Now I by nature am an Obstinate Homeopath who either takes homeopathy pills in personal complaints or allows the Mother Nature to play her part. So I collected the prospective drugs like Chamomilla (30 to 1M); Coffea, Kreosote, Spigelia, Belladona, Staphysagria, Phytolacca and Plantago from my chest box. With all my armamentarium I waited with apprehension for the attack. After around 30 minutes again I felt for the familiar twinge and again the severe attack; inspite of the rich collection of medicines at my disposal I could not think of a single one to take. My husband seeing my state gave me Chamomilla 30 repeated doses but to no effect eventually it subsided by itself after a full 5minutes.
Then I thought about recording my symptoms; I collected quite a few for it is very difficult to record one's own symptom. Either everything seems 'uncommon' or everything seems 'common'- in both conditions either the symptoms are exaggerated or ignored. However the chosen ones (for which I was sure 100%) were:
  • Pain- came suddenly, went suddenly.
  • Character was agonizing, throbbing and boring. It was after many episodes that I decided that it was as if a drilling machine was drilling from my right tooth inwards.
  • Extension: now that was a confusing factor, though it started in right lower molar; but during the attack pain extended to whole of my Right face (Right sided Prospalgia) - to my forehead, cheeks, ear, chin and down to neck.
  • Position at time of attack: during the attack I would hold firmly my right cheek with one hand and press my forehead with the other hand.
  • I felt like pressing firmly my forehead, face on some solid hard object and press finger deep into my ear. Actually to control the throbbing I even voluntarily hit my head on nightstand. The pain felt as if my head will burst!!
  • Modality: One thing more the only slight relief was by Pressing teeth together (I even tested with change of posture, hot and cold stimulus, movement, touch but there was no such amelioration.)
I spent the whole night banging my head (which was the most painful) with my teeth pressed. Early next day I went to the dentist who informed me that there was a "pocket " formed between my 2nd and 3rd molars. The thing which surprised him was that the severity of pain was not befitting the complaint and his advice was to have a slight "touch-up " i.e cleaning the tooth pocket of its debris. He even got an X-ray done but there was no cavity or deterioration of dentine, only a small pocket between 2nd and 3rd molars. But I could'nt co-relate the extent of pain with this not so big trouble. I took Ignatia 1M single dose for this contradiction and went back to the search for simillimum. For I was adamant on taking homeopathy alone for my complaint.
Alas, Ignatia too did'nt help and my turmoil continued for 2 days. Howsoever I prepared a short collection of Homeopathic therapeutics for such emergencies:
Toothache in sensitive persons: Acon, Bell, Chamo, Coffea, Hyos.
One-sided toothache: Acon, Bell, Chamo, Merc, Nux-vom, Puls.
Toothache with swelling of cheek: Chamo, Merc, Staph.
  • Belladona for throbbing pain in tooth with swelling of cheeks.
  • Chamomilla for the irritability and agonizing pain. Pain tearing extending to ears, < night, immediately after eating or drinking.
  • Coffea, for stabbing pain with anguish, temporarily > by holding cold water in mouth.
  • Phytolacca, for neuralgia better on pressing teeth together.
  • Merc sol for pain in hollow tooth, boring throbbing extending to ears, head or one side of the face. Easily bleeding gums with salivation. > from warmth.
  • Kreosote for pain associated with rapid decay of tooth with putrid odor.
  • Spigelia for shooting pain on left side, especially after eating accompanied by neuralgia of the face and eyes. < from cold water.
  • Plantago for toothache with teeth sore to touch; swelling of cheeks; pain < cool air and contact; > while eating.
  • Staphysagria for pain in hollow teeth, shooting, tearing extending to ears and head with swelling of cheek. < by slightest touch but often improved by firm pressure.
But alas every medicine seemed to only partially cover my symptoms and in this dilemma I spent 3 painful, sleepless nights with the only thought lurking in my conscious as to how to relieve my pain. I won't lie but the thought to take some sedative or to get the nuisance extracted also crossed my mind. But as soon as the attack subsided my love for homeopathy prevented me from crossing the lines and so the tryst for simillimum continued.
Eventually after 3 days of suffering and search I thought of leaving key-note prescribing and going for the great tool of Repertorisation. The rubrics chosen from RADAR 9.1, Synthesis Repertory were:
MIND - IRRITABILITY - pain, during
GENERALS - PAIN - appear suddenly - disappear; and - suddenly

TEETH - PAIN - Molars
TEETH - PAIN - boring
TEETH - PAIN - extending to - Ear.
TEETH - PAIN - saliva, with involuntary flow of
FACE - PAIN - accompanied by - salivation
The remedies which came were :
Belladona 9/6
Chamomilla 9/6
Mezereum 8/5
Borax 5/5
Mercurius 8/4
Causticum 7/4
Now, for final decision I considered the most confirmatory (persistent, prominent) symptom of my problem which was :

TEETH - PAIN - pressure - amel.

ail.k Alum.k am-c.k am-m.k ars.k bell.k Brom.a1,k bry.a1,k cann-i.a1 chin.k clem.k cocc.k coloc.k com.k euph.k grat.k hist.sp1 ign.k indg.k Kali-c.k kali-n.h2,kl laur.k Mag-m.k Mag-p.k merc-i-f.k mur-ac.k nat-c.k nat-m.a1,h2,k nat-p.k oci-sa.sp1 ol-an.k Phos.k puls.k rhus-t.k sep.k Staph.k tab.k
Considering these Belladona, was topping the list. So, I reluctantly went for Belladona thinking it to be the last experiment and surely to visit some other Homeopath for consultation if it would not help.
I took Belladona 30, 3 repeated doses in liquid potency and tried to lie down.
I do not know when I fell asleep for I was virtually awake since 4 nights. After a good 3 hrs I woke up refreshed and relaxed. I waited with rising apprehension for the next attack but still today that is full 70 days after the first attack and 66 days since I took Belladona 30 that I have neither took any medicine (even no repeat dose) nor visited dentist for my toothache and still I sleep peacefully.
That meant that few doses of Belladona relieved my TOOTHACHE when all failed; I only took the three doses and they marked the end of my complaint. I am thinking of revisiting my dentist to see what more he has to say; But if no complaint, then No Disease. Isn't it?
The Lesson was learnt; I learnt few things after this rendezvous with Toothache:
  • To be Unprejudiced for every case and medicine.
  • To use Repertorisation frequently, even for snap-shot prescription and confirmation of remedy.
  • And that Homeopathy acts Fast, Real Fast with Rapid, gentle and Permanent Cure.
Long Live Homeopathy !!